Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

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Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
Agreed. In the Great Controversy, there is no confusion as to who the lost are and is why the Bible doesn't waste time needlessly going into detail about their appearance and beliefs -- they are readily seen for who they are.

The problem lies with the church, where the sincere child of God must co-exist with those who are overcome by the enemy: the "wheat and the tares". On this, the Bible is abundantly clear that there is mercy for the Just Man who falls 7 times but rises up again by the power of Jesus, but the Presumptuous Man who deliberately climbs down into the filth and swats away the uplifting hand of Jesus will die in his iniquity.
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Who is it that "swats away" (as if it were possible) the uplifting Hand of the Lord Jesus but the person who GOES back and is entangled again with the Yoke of Bondage?

After being pulled out by Christ?
Aug 3, 2019
No. That is your WEAK construct you have devised. Paul NEVER states that its ok to work at the Law as long as you are not trying to obtain Salvation by it.
The Ten Commandments as endorsed by Paul, per the KJV and Peshitta translations:

1. "I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law." - Paul
2. "Neither...idolaters...shall inherit the kingdom of God." - Paul
3. "But now you yourselves are to put off all...blasphemy." - Paul
4. "It is therefore the duty of the people of God to keep the Sabbath." - Paul (Peshitta, Lamsa)
(Yes, while the evidence is overwhelming that Paul wrote Hebrews, I can't definitively prove he did - but you can't prove he didn't, so I'll give that one to Paul.)
5. "Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise." - Paul
6. "Thou shalt not kill." - Paul
7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery." - Paul
8. "Thou shalt not steal." - Paul
9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness." - Paul
10. "Ye shall not covet." - Paul
The condemnation is working at the Law in your own understanding and strength.
So, simply first get saved then allow Jesus to live out His obedient life in you. What's the hard part?
Like the Pharisees before you. How do you not see that you are EXACTLY like them?
They claimed the promises of God while rejecting the conditions upon which they are to be received: complete surrender. You antinomianists are the modern day Pharisees in that you claim God's blessings, but refuse the conditions upon which to claim them -surrender - as did your Pharisaic predecessors.
"We are keeping the 10 commandments. We are Gods people" That is the deceptive thought that Pharisees think. The problem is that they DON'T keep the 10 commandments. They only IMAGINE that they do.
So, the Antinomianist solution to not liking what stares back at you from the "perfect law of liberty" is to break the mirror? How about going to Jesus and asking Him to clean you up instead of continuing to make excuses for your filthy, pathetic, weak experience?
If you were to read Matthew 5 and DO what the Lord SAYS to do, you will find you CAN'T keep ANY of the Commandments.
If you turn from your rebellion against God and ask Him to come into your heart, you will find "His commandments are not grievous" and that you can "do all things through Christ" which includes our New Covenant duty to "establish the law".
This will cause you to make a decision. Be condemned of God forever and die. OR come to Christ and receive Righteousness and Rest.
Paul said the exact same thing as this, but meant something far different than your satanic conclusion: "Know ye not to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom ye obey, whether sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness."
Working at the 10 commandments gets you nothing, except Condemnation and Death. Coming to Christ gets you Righteousness and Life.
"I delight in the law of God."
"He that keepeth the law, happy is he."
"But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty...a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."
What do you think would happen if "christians" started to sacrifice animals because they wanted to show their "obedience" to the law? It would actually show their LACK of Faith in Christ. Right?
No, it would show their total ignorance of what the Bible teaches, much like your posts.
Who has bewitched you? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit are you made perfect by your work at the Law?
Once again, you take verses intended to condemn the futility of salvation by works and use them to condemn Biblical Christian duty of "reasonable service". What further evidence against them in the day of Judgment is necessary than that which the very name "Antinomianist" means?
Aug 3, 2019
What's the difference between your dead faith and living faith?
Uh, it is YOU who preach that we may by dead faith obtain that which can only be obtained by living faith: eternal life.
Does the dead faith work at the Ministry of Death, written and engraven on stones? What then does the living faith work at? Wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for the LIVING FAITH to work at the MINISTRY OF DEATH, otherwise dead faith = living faith.
There you go, comingling two truths in an effort to make one a lie. The "ministry of death" refers to the futile attempt to earn salvation by works, and has nothing to do with James' commentary on the difference between dead/living faith.

In the church, James said there's two types of faith: living and dead.

"Living faith" is genuine Christian faith which is demonstrated by obedience, while "dead faith" is held by wicked lost people who desire both an eternity in heaven later, but also the pleasures of sin for a season now.
Aug 3, 2019
I don't have rebellion to the 10 commandments.

The 10 commandments did what they are supposed to do in me.

They led me to Christ.
If you had Christ in you, you wouldn't fight against His law...but the reason why the Antinomianist is repulsed by the idea of obedience to the Ten Commandments is identical to the reason a single man would find the idea of faithfulness to only one woman repulsive: both lack the love necessary to change what's burdensome to delight.
Aug 3, 2019
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Who is it that "swats away" (as if it were possible) the uplifting Hand of the Lord Jesus but the person who GOES back and is entangled again with the Yoke of Bondage?

After being pulled out by Christ?
Again, you're taking verses which condemn the futility of salvation by works and use them to condemn the Christian duty of "reasonable service" obedience to the Ten Commandments.

What makes you think you're going to enjoy an eternity of perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments then when you fight so vehemently against rendering the slightest obedience to them now?
Aug 3, 2019
No. That is your WEAK construct you have devised. Paul NEVER states that its ok to work at the Law as long as you are not trying to obtain Salvation by it.
The condemnation is working at the Law in your own understanding and strength.
Like the Pharisees before you. How do you not see that you are EXACTLY like them?
"We are keeping the 10 commandments. We are Gods people" That is the deceptive thought that Pharisees think. The problem is that they DON'T keep the 10 commandments. They only IMAGINE that they do.
If you were to read Matthew 5 and DO what the Lord SAYS to do, you will find you CAN'T keep ANY of the Commandments. This will cause you to make a decision. Be condemned of God forever and die. OR come to Christ and receive Righteousness and Rest.
Working at the 10 commandments gets you nothing, except Condemnation and Death. Coming to Christ gets you Righteousness and Life.
You can't have both. One or the other. Work. Or Rest.
What do you think would happen if "christians" started to sacrifice animals because they wanted to show their "obedience" to the law?
It would actually show their LACK of Faith in Christ. Right?
That's really easy to see. How is it you don't see the same thing with the 10 commandments? Who has bewitched you?
Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit are you made perfect by your work at the Law?
Already replied to this nonsense here:


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
John 14:15-18
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

The Lord here is saying to keep HIS commandments, NOT THE 10 commandments.

Such as these;
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Same thing in 1 John 2. But I think you meant 1 John 5.

1 John 5 is talking about the Victory that we have in Christ. It is not talking about being entangled again in the Yoke of Bondage.

1 John 5:4-5
4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

The Lord Jesus Christ has become the High Priest for ALL who obey Him. So, Why haven't you?

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

How come you have not received Rest? How come you don't understand His Word?

"Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know."--1st Corinthians 8:2


Where have I said anything that would make you think I have neglected the verses you've posted here? I unlike you, do not feel free to pick and choose verses to fit my theological narrative. I believe all of God's Word; I know I must study it on my own and not go by what I've been taught by some denomination. You think it's all about grace. And grace is the means by which we obtain Salvation. However, I believe what scriptures says; if we TRULY believe Christ is Lord we obey Him out of LOVE not legalism--which I've already clearly stated--you seem bent on making me and others wrong. (and we are able to do this by the power of His Spirit living in us.)

You said: "The Lord here is saying to keep HIS commandments, NOT THE 10 commandments." What Christian does not believe we can have no other gods than the one true God? What Christian believes it's okay to steal or commit adultery or to covet? You don't think these are the commands He is referring to? Again, all of us posting here believe we are to follow all of Christ's teaching and that includes the 10 Commandments.

Are you a monotheist? Do you not believe Jesus' words "I and the Father are one." and "If you've seen me you have seen the Father?" Therefore the 10 Commandments are also HIS commandments. Don't you understand that the 10 Commandments (the Moral Law, not the Mosaic Law) were written in stone by the very finger of God thus to be obeyed into perpetuity? That living by them actually gives us a more peaceful and contented life?

You also said this which seems to go against what you actually believe: "The Lord Jesus Christ has become the High Priest for ALL who obey Him. So, Why haven't you?" I and others have been saying that the whole time.

Apparently you aren't reading my posts. I am under no bondage by obeying the commandments. "In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,"--1st John 5:3

Read Christs words. He repeats the 10 commandments just not in list form.

Note too He said “ a new command I give, to love one another”- if new then what are the older commands?:unsure:

"Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,"--1st John 2:4

ps please read posts and the posts of others before responding to them.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2021
Paul NEVER states that its ok to work at the Law as long as you are not trying to obtain Salvation by it.
Paul states that if we walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, the righteousness of the law will be fulfilled in us (Romans 8:4).

Also, are you one who denies non-Pauline scripture?

Because in James 1:25, it should be clear that there is a blessing for those who "work at the law" but are not trying to obtain salvation by it.

In comparing James 1:25 to Galatians 3:10, it should be very clear that there is a curse on those who seek to be justified by the law; while there is a blessing on those who seek to obey the law because they are in love with Jesus (see also John 14:15, John 14:21, John 14:23, John 15:10)


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2021
What do you think would happen if "christians" started to sacrifice animals because they wanted to show their "obedience" to the law?

It would actually show their LACK of Faith in Christ. Right?

That's really easy to see. How is it you don't see the same thing with the 10 commandments? Who has bewitched you?
Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit are you made perfect by your work at the Law?
Read Romans 13:8-10, 1 John 5:3, 2 John 1:6; Romans 8:4.

It should be clear from these passages that if we love our neighbor as ourselves, we will be obedient to the ten commandments and other laws in holy scripture.

If I "love my neighbor as myself", I will not:

Commit adultery with his wife,

Kill him,

Steal from him,

Bear false witness against him,

Covet any of his belongings,


violate any other commandment that concerns my neighbor.

(see Romans 13:8-10).

It should be clear that if I am in Christ, the love of the Lord has been shed abroad in my heart through the Holy Ghost (Romans 5:5).

So then, if I am a genuine believer, I am going to love my neighbor as myself and will not violate any of the above commandments.

It is not that I am looking to a set of do's and don'ts and attempting to obey them in order to earn my salvation.

It is that, in being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, I have been made into a laid-down lover....the love of Jesus Christ has been shed abroad in my heart (Romans 5:5).

So, if I am violating any of the above commandments in my life, it would be a sign that I do not have the love of God in my heart and therefore am not redeemed.

Here is some Pauline scripture for you,

2Co 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

The law shows us whether or not we are walking according to love; because love is the standard and when we sin, we sin against the love of the Lord.

Rom 3:20, Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

It is those who are not under the law that sin shall not have dominion over (Romans 6:14) because they are not under the law but under grace; while sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4).

The law says what it says (that you are a sinner, Romans 3:10-18) to those who are under it (Romans 3:19).

So, if you are not under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14), Romans 3:10-18 does not apply to you (see v.19).


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Sabbath was never a command for gentiles.
To say that is to say the other 9 weren't for the gentiles either. Is God not our God? Did he not rest on the 7th day after His work of Creation--was the created universe only for the Jews or was it for all of mankind to enjoy? Is a command to remember His work of creation burdensome? Is resting on the Sabbath a burden? I have never been a Sabbath keeper--I had just begun to study it recently wondering how it was that the 10 Commandments were written in stone by the very finger of God--all together on the two tablets-and realized it can NEVER be done away with--Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath" therefore it is not a rule to be followed, but a gift of rest and a gift of remembrance. What's so hard about that?

Please see see in Acts that Paul taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath and that both Jews and Gentiles met in assembly in the synagogue on the Sabbath as well as everyday in their homes-if we are to meet in assembly then why do it on Sunday--the day the Sun god was worshipped (which is actually Satan as all false god's are) and the day Constantine had instituted as the new day of rest.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
113's looks like you quote Paul talking about the animal sacrificial law, not the Royal law (Commandments). Let's take a look at what happen when that law ended that you quoted from Paul. Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; (Matthew 27:50,51)

Most people read right through this not realizing that veil rent from top to bottom. Now let's begin by taking a look at both of the laws and how they worked together. We will see there were two laws given to Moses, they were the commandments and the sacrificial law. Watch how they worked together. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which ought not to be done, and shall do against any of them: (Leviticus 4:1-2) The law in the scriptures above is the commandments.

Notice something else very important in these two scriptures. It states, "if a soul shall sin through ignorance." Notice that the scripture did not says on purpose. Why? There is no sacrifice for a sin that is committed willfully. Let's find out what was to be done if a person committed a sin against the Lord unintentionally. Let's continue...3 If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering. 4 And he shall bring the bullock unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD; and shall lay his hand upon the bullock's head, and kill the bullock before the LORD. 5 And the priest that is anointed shall take of the bullock's blood, and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation: 6 and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of the blood seven times before the LORD, before the vail of the sanctuary.

Let’s go to Galatians 3: 21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.

The law here is the animal sacrificial law, it was a temporary measure to slow man down from sinning against God’s Commandments.

Let’s go to Hebrews 10: 1 For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. 5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, But a body hast thou prepared me: 6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. 7 Then said I, Lo, I come (In the volume of the book it is written of me,) To do thy will, O God. 8 Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;

9 then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. 10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. 11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: 12 but this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; 16 This is the covenant that I will make with them After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, And in their minds will I write them; 17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. 18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Draw Near in Faith 19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; 21 and having an high priest over the house of God;

When Jesus died on the cross that was the end of the first covenant, which consisted of the blood of animals and the keeping of God’s commandments. And his death also brought in the second covenant, which consist of the blood of Jesus and the keeping of God’s commandments

Let’s go to Proverbs 19: 16 He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; But he that despiseth his ways shall die.
I'll trust in Christ and follow Him. For Christ fulfilled the law on our behalf. Yet, you people keep trying to bring in back. We are saved by grace through faith and this not of our own efforts. It is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can take credit.

"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it."

I keep the law through faith in Christ. And when I sin, I confess it and He is faithful and just to forgive me and cleanses me of ALL unrighteousness. No one will be justified by attempting to keep the law.
Jan 14, 2021
If you had Christ in you, you wouldn't fight against His law...but the reason why the Antinomianist is repulsed by the idea of obedience to the Ten Commandments is identical to the reason a single man would find the idea of faithfulness to only one woman repulsive: both lack the love necessary to change what's burdensome to delight.
The irony here is that you speak of surrendering to the law and judge others for not keeping the Sabbath (in a manner of "keeping" that is not made clear), but if Col 2:16 indeed is about the Sabbath, you would be asking others to violate their understanding of the law of Christ. "Let no one judge you in regard of a Sabbath day"

Under the fulfilment interpretation it would literally be disregarding a commandment to "change one's mind" or "surrender" in judgement to a mistruth regarding topics including the Sabbath.

One who accepts the fulfilment of the law through Christ is not disobedient (we are required to fulfil the law of Christ). But there is an importance with understanding that the iteration of the Mosaic ten commandments that counts are the ones in the New Testament.

I hope you would agree that it isn't right to execute people that don't observe the Saturday Sabbath. But if you don't execute those that are disobedient to OT law, you too are wilfully disobedient to that law.

We see these long stretches of conversations about interpretations of how the rules should be understood. What does it mean to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? If I work a weekend job, does this violate my ability to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? What if that gained income is intended for good works? We should remember that good works are permitted on the Sabbath ("would you not draw an ass from a well on the Sabbath?"). The law of Christ leads us to good works. Your concept of "obedience to law is required but the quality of service is not graded" is therefore fulfilled by letting Christ work through us on the Sabbath.

"One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind." - Romans 14:5 NIV

We see in scripture that the answer isn't so simple. The NT permits differences in opinions and understandings. If you feel compelled to view Saturday as a day with very specific legalistic requirements disallowing physical labour, follow what your conscience tells you. But the underscore here is that we shouldn't judge each other for how we honour God (and we shouldn't let others judge us in that regard either). Hebrews 4 has a great bit on this by being in God's rest through Christ. 4&version=tpt

In Christ we should each do what we feel compelled by our conscience. We hope that our conscience is successfully being led by the Holy Spirit through our faith in Christ.

When it comes to corrections among brothers and sisters, we sharpen eachother like iron on iron. The specific investigation of what scripture states is different than what our conscience compels us to believe but we should humbly test our convictions against scripture.

From what I see in scripture, the OT ordinances do not apply but the NT ones do. From what I see in scripture, two different people can honour the Sabbath differently and both be right. My objection isn't with your belief that you should not physically labour on Sabbaths. My objection is with the projection of your specific interpretation as being a necessary and universal truth in scripture. And on that note, I hope to gain a better mutual understanding.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2021
To say that is to say the other 9 weren't for the gentiles either. Is God not our God? Did he not rest on the 7th day after His work of Creation--was the created universe only for the Jews or was it for all of mankind to enjoy? Is a command to remember His work of creation burdensome? Is resting on the Sabbath a burden? I have never been a Sabbath keeper--I had just begun to study it recently wondering how it was that the 10 Commandments were written in stone by the very finger of God--all together on the two tablets-and realized it can NEVER be done away with--Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath" therefore it is not a rule to be followed, but a gift of rest and a gift of remembrance. What's so hard about that?

Please see see in Acts that Paul taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath and that both Jews and Gentiles met in assembly in the synagogue on the Sabbath as well as everyday in their homes-if we are to meet in assembly then why do it on Sunday--the day the Sun god was worshipped (which is actually Satan as all false god's are) and the day Constantine had instituted as the new day of rest.
Why do it on Saturday...which is the day that Saturn is worshipped?


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Why do it on Saturday...which is the day that Saturn is worshipped?

You're kidding right? You are by far one of the hardest to figure out--you will post intelligent, articulate arguments and then nonsense like this. In fact when I see your well thought out arguments and compare them to some of your other 'out there' stuff I seriously wonder if you had cut and pasted them from someone else's posts. e.g. saying gold fell from the ceiling and that you had coughed up a tumor in another post while doing 'Holy Spirit Laughter' not to mention your take on the husband and wife relationship, which is abysmal.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2021
You're kidding right? You are by far one of the hardest to figure out--you will post intelligent, articulate arguments and then nonsense like this. In fact when I see your well thought out arguments and compare them to some of your other 'out there' stuff I seriously wonder if you had cut and pasted them from someone else's posts. e.g. saying gold fell from the ceiling and that you had coughed up a tumor in another post while doing 'Holy Spirit Laughter' not to mention your take on the husband and wife relationship, which is abysmal.
I have actually seen gold fall from the ceiling and actually did cough up a tumour in a holy laughter type setting. And I think that you have misunderstood my take on the husband / wife relationship....focusing in on what seems abhorrent to you instead of understanding the reasoning behind my statements.

I will tell you that I am diagnosed as bipolar / schizoaffective and that when I post intelligent, articulate arguments you can attribute that to the Holy Spirit...and that when I post things that are a little more out there you can attribute that to my mental illness...

Until you come to the place of experiencing similar things as to what I say I've experienced and can see them in a backdrop that makes them plausible.

I know that I was not the only one who saw the gold in that situation and coughing up the tumour was something that I don't think I could have hallucinated...

These phenomenon have been reported in the holy laughter movement to the extent that people have to dismiss the phenomenon by saying that it was staged or faked....

Like someone would buy gold so that they could sprinkle it on themselves in a church service.

You are not only accusing these people of being deceptive but you are accusing them of being wasteful of valuable resources, utilizing them to purchase gold or gems just so that they could say that their ministry is exhibiting signs and wonders...and to what point?

Such a thing, if it were truly staged, would be a high deception.

And I find upon my own personal examination that the fruit of those ministries is such that deception is very likely not a part of the program.


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2013
I think the passage at Colossians 2:16-23 is a casualty of translation errors. Italicized words that were added to the original KJV English translation were never found in the original manuscripts.

The words printed in italics in the King James Version of the Bible are for emphasis, but not for emphasis in the usual sense. The use of italics is a device to call attention to those words that were added by the translators in order to convey and/or clarify the meaning. That is, the italics enable the reader to distinguish between words found in the manuscripts of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament that actually translate into English, and words that were necessarily added to make sense in English. This is a sign of the honesty of the translators, who wished to point out such places in their work.

(- Robert J. Matthews, chairman of the Department of Ancient Scriptures, Brigham Young University)

“The end proposed by the use of italics is thus explained in the Geneva edition of 1578. ‘Where as the necessity of the sentence required anything to be added (for such is the grace and propriety of the Hebrew and Greek tongues, that it cannot but either by circumlocution, or by adding the verb, or some word, be understood of them that are not well-practised therein), we have put it in the text with another kind of letter.’ If this be the rule which the translators of our present version proposed to themselves (and we have every reason for believing that it was), it follows that such a rule should be carried out uniformly, and on all occasions”

(- F. H. A. Scrivener; Supplement to the Authorized English Version of the New Testament, Vol. I, pp. 60-61)

Consider for a moment:

- What was to prevent doctrinal biases from influencing the translators?

- What's to prevent later editions & versions from absorbing those "added" words and presenting the text as 100% authentic without italics?

...the answer to both of these questions is "nothing"....and I believe that's exactly what happened to the text in later versions.

Those added words were absorbed into later versions of the bible - without italics - as if part of the original manuscripts and thus potentially changed the intended meaning of many passages, whether intentionally or unintentionally (it's the "whisper down the lane" phenomenon). Note the versions of Colossians 2:17...

These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality.

These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts it belongs to Christ.

Each version above gives a slightly different message. "Shadow of things that WERE..." (emphasizing the shadows are in the past), "Shadow of things YET..." (suggesting a future fulfillment and thus continued relevancy), "the reality is found in...", "the substance belongs to...", "the body that casts it..."

The following is the original KJV with the added word in italics:

Original KJV (added word in red)
Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

...just one word...a word that's admittedly not found in the original manuscripts...was added to this verse, changing the message of the entire passage. Now notice, when we remove that italicized word, what we get...

Original KJV (Italics removed)
Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body of Christ.

...Paul's full conclusion...

Colossians 2:16-23 (Italics removed)
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body of Christ.

"Let no man therefore judge you...but the body of Christ."

This version of the text would suggest Paul is instructing that only fellow believers in Christ are to judge the believer in what they should obey, not anyone else outside of that group. This is a completely different message than what is currently taught from the passage.


Now, we can't simply rely on this translation issue as an argument for commandment-keeping. We need to ask, does this message make sense contextually and historically? If Paul arguing for or against the commandments of God? Well, let's see...

Colossians 2:18-23 (For context)
18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using) after the commandments and doctrines of men? 23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.

Paul is arguing against "ordinances after the commandments & doctrines of men". We heard this argument before from the Messiah.

Matthew 15:8-9
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Mark 7:9-13
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

So Paul wasn't arguing against the Commandments of God (or the Sabbath) but against vain doctrines and traditions of men that nullify the Almighty's Commandments, just like The Messiah argued during His ministry. The Pharisees were known for adding rules to the Law. And in the gentile city of Colosse, many were attempting to lead the new believers astray from both ends with worldliness and Phariseeism (respectively):

Colossians 2:6-8
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


So the body of Christ IS to judge the believer in obeying the doctrines and commandments of God (which are foreshadowing good things to come) and ONLY the body of Christ, not anyone else. This is the only way sanctification is possible; when we spur one another unto obedience and good works.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2021
The KJV translates Strong's G4983 in the following manner: body (144x), bodily (1x), slave (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
  1. the body both of men or animals
    1. a dead body or corpse
    2. the living body
      1. of animals
  2. the bodies of planets and of stars (heavenly bodies)
  3. is used of a (large or small) number of men closely united into one society, or family as it were; a social, ethical, mystical body
    1. so in the NT of the church
  4. that which casts a shadow as distinguished from the shadow itself


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2021
I would say that the sabbath day law is a shadow of the substance and the substance is Christ.

Christ Himself violated the letter of the sabbath day law in John 5:16-18.