I'm sorry, but this is post is just nonsense and frankly I hate the way that some people try to hide behind Christianity to further an antivaccination agenda.
I work in health care and am fully vaccinated (Pfizer X 3). I can tell you that virtually every patient hospitalized with Covid 19 is unvaccinated. My who family including my children are vaccinated as well.
I am firmly in the camp that believes that Heavenly Father helped us discover the vaccines so that we could avoid much of the misery and death that is associated with Covid 19. I have friends who became very sick who had refused vaccination. One spent 31 days in the hospital. He is getting vaccinated now that he is out of the hospital and slowly recovering.
There is nothing Christian about refusing the best means available to prevent death and serious illness from Covid. Nothing at all.
I work in health care and am fully vaccinated (Pfizer X 3). I can tell you that virtually every patient hospitalized with Covid 19 is unvaccinated. My who family including my children are vaccinated as well.
I am firmly in the camp that believes that Heavenly Father helped us discover the vaccines so that we could avoid much of the misery and death that is associated with Covid 19. I have friends who became very sick who had refused vaccination. One spent 31 days in the hospital. He is getting vaccinated now that he is out of the hospital and slowly recovering.
There is nothing Christian about refusing the best means available to prevent death and serious illness from Covid. Nothing at all.
All who submit to this present Anti-christ Beast System are being conditioned and controlled for the coming Mark which they will take because of a hard uncircumised heart of unbelief in what God has told us in His Word.
What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?
Never, NEVER, fall into the pit of religion whereby you THINK you are protected by God.
The religious, pious minded Jews along with the pious Roman/Greek Gentiles believed this lie.
The Jews had the fleshly seed of Abraham and Torah to boast in and the Romans/Greeks held power and control over the World with their many gods.
Both, the Jews and the Ruling World System(Gentile) conspired together(today also) to murder the Beloved of the FATHER.
We who love HIM can SEE that this has never stopped and is building momentum for the Day of the LORD.
Turn to Christ now and give your heart to be circumised by the Holy Spirit that you may receive the Promis of REFRESHING from the Father within your spirit and LIVE unto Him who calls us OUT from among them and be ye separate says the LORD.
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.
Revelation 18:4
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