I disagree that we agree. See, you have your concern with teens, I have the other one... after having to hide in shame from secular school mates bragging about their sexual exploits, they come in contact with their hypocritical forgive this but not that church leaders telling them when it comes right down to it that being moral is little more than a patsy game. Yes, you were supposed to save yourself for marriage and now the reward? You gotta marry one of those losers that was off having a good time and taunting you before the church declared that (while giving no actual penance) they are completely forgiven and purified and are every bit as virginal as the actual virgins. To be honest, if some 14 year old came to me today asking about abstinence, I'd have to say that given all the adversity you'll face and how in the end your church will basically just make a mockery out of you anyhow by telling you that the non-virgins are also virgins you should probably just go and have sex early and often and wait for the preacher to say "hey! you're forgiven!' Because you really will avoid a whole lot of hassles throughout your life in our present culture. (Unless of course you get a venereal disease, or pregant, or God turns out not to be as liberal on this as present christians claim he is.)
First- your preacher doesn't forgive you. God does.
Second- committing a sin because you believe it will be forgiven is kind of like asking God for permission to do it. What do you think He will say?
Third- I would truly hope you aren't giving people such horrible, ungodly advice and you're just being dramatic.
Fourth- It sounds like you feel you've missed out on life by being a Christian. That strikes me as sad since there are so many people missing out on real life by NOT being a Christian. You need to get your perspective right. What do you think 'choose life' means?