Now back to these ten virgins, or maybe we should say, maidens; they're not the host, not the wedding planner, not the cake baker, not the photographer, not the waiter, probably not even bridemaids. They are not burdened with any of those responsibilities. Their ONLY job is to lead the groom to the bride at night. The five wise ones come prepared with oil, the five foolish ones aren't prepared. There has been all kinds of doctrines and interpretations built around this one simple parable, but most of them agree on one thing, that the primary takeaway from this parable is being born again in SPIRIT. OIL is the Holy Spirit, it can't be shared or traded, each individual Christian must gain their own oil and develop a personal relationship with Lord Jesus. If you don't have it, then you'd be shut out of the door, because "Most assuredly I say to you, I DON'T KNOW YOU!" says the Lord.