I haven't had a vision but I get this strong expectation that if the homosexual agenda continues to be supported by laws to make it normal, or encouraged, such as allowing them to groom children in schools, then there will be a judgment come upon our country to declare that God will have the last word on this kind of thing.
Fireballs from heaven was what I was thinking. Meteorites like Rev 6:13.
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
Corporations pushing it in their advertising by showing men kissing or marrying each other and blanketing the billboards, and commercials with it is bad enough, but when the law makers and courts push it and sign it into law that sort of triggers things in my understanding of theology in scripture.
I think we are due for another Sodom and Gomorrah message and it will probably come in the form of literal meteorites instead of nukes. This would seem to be a louder message to the world that God is speaking. Especially since it is prophesied.
Now I know some might say that John wrote what he saw and to him this is what such a thing as ICBMs would appear to be from the perspective of someone on the ground watching the fire ball of their trail which is all that would be visible to the eye. And I won't exclude that is a possibility. But I lean toward a literal shower of cataclysmic meteor strikes and world wide devastation.
At any rate, every time I hear a story about homosexuals forcing their evil actions as normal I expect the fire to fall soon.
I think this sin is starting to be defended by so called Christians who say "it's not worse than any other sin" and "if God is going to send fire over that one He would send fire over all the others ones" but I don't think they understand the bible about this one.
It is the example used as the worst kind of rebellion in the light of the revelation of God to man in Rom 1. Even if someone does not understand why this sin is used as the example, they should at least acknowledge that God chose to use that one as the example and for a reason and concede that God is not going to let that go unanswered. Remember Sodom. If we think He won't.
Fireballs. They are coming.