In all honesty, how can EVERY video be a “MUST SEE “ video!?
Talk about desensitization of something!
Talk about a distorted exaggeration...
Albeit, I do acknowledge, that the Patriot Truthers that I tend to re-post their video's - yes, they may use that label quite often... In their defense, they are using that 'label' because on certain Alternative Patriot websites - they are competing to Lure those audience members away from the DS Mis-Information Videos on those same forums...
In my case - I do attempt to be VERY SELECTIVE about WHOSE VIDEOS I REPOST and which ones I Label as "MUST WATCH"...
So, if you do not trust my judgement and discernment of the quality of posters/posts that I mark as 'Must Watch' and you have not bothered to watch, but instead opt to just quick fire stray voltage... So be it, to each his own... Don't watch, suit yourself... But if you haven't bothered to watch it, then why should people be inclined listen to your blind judgement...
It's all about acknowledging the timing of different people becoming awaken... Everyone is waking up on their own timeline... Some People are just arriving to the site, or just now realizing that things are just not normal anymore in our world... And often times, for those who remain doubtful and have not bothered to watch the most compelling and comprehensive videos that help distill these 3,320+ posts and 166 pages into some simpleton cliff notes... Those select, 'Must See' notifications may be the 'red-pill' that people need...