"Why Afraid?" Another thing I find where I live anyways is that girls have no training in just politely saying "no". As a result I've been trained to think that asking a girl out is imposing on her and quite often I will find myself "helping" her by not doing such or making the biggest hints hoping to get a reaction while finding women still avoid giving reactions or hints on their part. Neither of which of course is conducive to advancing things in any way since it helps rejection but not any positive result. To me a culture of the guy asks and the girl says yes or no would be helpful. I personally don't need any song or dance or explanation a polite "Sorry, no, I'm not interested." would be enough. But apparently women today can't do that and would rather pretend they just got a call on their cellphone, or run away, or stand there pretending they didn't hear me, or deflect, or run some third party interference scheme than say that simple "no" that actually doesn't feel so bad if you're just at the beginning and not in deep anyhow. I don't know where the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in dating came from.