James Clerk Maxwell was a 19th century Scottish physicist who founded the modern era of physics according to Albert Einstein. Maxwell is widely regarded as among the 3 greatest scientists in history. He was Einstein's cherished hero. He gave him great credit for enabling him to invent his famous theory of Special Relativity, The largest by far of 3 photographs Einstein kept in his home study was of James Clerk Maxwell.(The other smaller pictures were of Faraday and Newton.)
(However the math for Einstein's later theory of General Relativity was completely the work of another devout Protestant genius: mathematician Bernard Riemann- son of a German pastor. Interestingly the famous, devout evangelical English physicist, Michael Faraday, was the scientist on whose discoveries that Maxwell himself had relied on to initiate the age of modern physics.)
James Clerk Maxwell married Katherine Mary Dewar. They remained childless until his early death at 48. Maxwell's 3 color-method is the way all color photos are created; so I guess we have him to thank, or blame, for the selfie. His Electromagnetic theory explained what light really was for the first time. He showed what Saturn's rings were made of and is also credited as a co-founder of electrical engineering.
James Clerk Maxwell's passion for science was second only to his great love for Jesus. On salvation he said"...if I escape(hell) it is only because of God's grace, helping me get rid of myself..."[2006, "James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition", by Professor of M. Engineering, Ian Hutchinson, MIT.]
James C. Maxwell was an elder in the Church of Scotland. He converted to evangelicalism in 1853.
There is really nothing exceptional about the Western intellect, even though at first it may seem so. Non-Western cultures have contributed greatly to humanity in that a lot of the foods we eat have been discovered and cultivated by non-Westerners.
As Peter Harrison's book: The Fall of Man and Foundations of Science shows, it is primarily because of the influence of the Bible that we Westerners have invented modern science.
All glory belongs to Jesus Christ.
All the initial, very difficult, discoveries of almost every field of science was done by true Christians. The Wright Brothers, the American inventors of the airplane, would not test their prototypes on Sunday because they were devout Protestant Christians. Almost 80 percent of the greatest scientists in history were true-believing Christians.
We cannot allow atheist scientists such as Richard Dawkins bully us. Dawkins strongly and very unfairly criticized the famous religious- but frail -scientist Freeman Dyson for accepting the Templeton Prize- a religion award for scientists. Dyson died at 99 two years ago in New York.
I wish Robert Boyle, the founder of modern chemistry, was here to push back on Dawkins. A devout Protestant who would support global Christian missions, the ultra brilliant Boyle used science to "prove" Christianity. Or the super genius mathematician -scientist and Christian apologist, Leonard Euler, who would use his math to prove God's existence.(The famous Euler's Number is named after this true Christian. The number has been called one of the most beautiful things in mathematics.)
I am certain that faith in Jesus as one's Saviour and God, is the only smart choice a human being can make. Most of the greatest scientists in history would absolutely agree.
And even if they didn't, I could care less. Because as you all know, everyone is a big fat zero in intelligence -even Maxwell, Faraday or Einstein- compared to our omniscient Father in heaven, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
God bless you. I think we need to push back on atheist scientists who are spreading the lie that they are ones who invented the sciences. All everyone hears about nowadays is the musings of the late atheist physicist Stephen Hawking. The secular media has given him too much credit. Even Isaac Newton wrote in his great seminal work of science, the Principia, that the majesty of the universe and complexity of the laws of physics prove God exists. Newton and Maxwell were much more brilliant than arrogant Hawking. This post is based on Ian Hutchison's and Peter Harrison's writings . Thank you so much for reading this and your replies . I really appreciate it!)
If I may very humbly point out that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone because of God's grace ,as you know -however Jesus says eternal rewards will be given for works. If you can share this post or the better posts of other members- especially with Christian university students- then you will get the eternal rewards for the work started by professor Hutchinson and Peter Harrison. There is so much doubt in the Christian church today so every little bit helps. in heaven you will see how a tiny bit of work was multiplied incredibly by the Spirit of Christ.
-for university students I think a good light read is the book "The Language of God" by American evangelical Dr. Francis Collins. He has cured diseases and was among the first to map the human genome/DNA and is considered one of the top biologists in the world.
(However the math for Einstein's later theory of General Relativity was completely the work of another devout Protestant genius: mathematician Bernard Riemann- son of a German pastor. Interestingly the famous, devout evangelical English physicist, Michael Faraday, was the scientist on whose discoveries that Maxwell himself had relied on to initiate the age of modern physics.)
James Clerk Maxwell married Katherine Mary Dewar. They remained childless until his early death at 48. Maxwell's 3 color-method is the way all color photos are created; so I guess we have him to thank, or blame, for the selfie. His Electromagnetic theory explained what light really was for the first time. He showed what Saturn's rings were made of and is also credited as a co-founder of electrical engineering.
James Clerk Maxwell's passion for science was second only to his great love for Jesus. On salvation he said"...if I escape(hell) it is only because of God's grace, helping me get rid of myself..."[2006, "James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition", by Professor of M. Engineering, Ian Hutchinson, MIT.]
James C. Maxwell was an elder in the Church of Scotland. He converted to evangelicalism in 1853.
There is really nothing exceptional about the Western intellect, even though at first it may seem so. Non-Western cultures have contributed greatly to humanity in that a lot of the foods we eat have been discovered and cultivated by non-Westerners.
As Peter Harrison's book: The Fall of Man and Foundations of Science shows, it is primarily because of the influence of the Bible that we Westerners have invented modern science.
All glory belongs to Jesus Christ.
All the initial, very difficult, discoveries of almost every field of science was done by true Christians. The Wright Brothers, the American inventors of the airplane, would not test their prototypes on Sunday because they were devout Protestant Christians. Almost 80 percent of the greatest scientists in history were true-believing Christians.
We cannot allow atheist scientists such as Richard Dawkins bully us. Dawkins strongly and very unfairly criticized the famous religious- but frail -scientist Freeman Dyson for accepting the Templeton Prize- a religion award for scientists. Dyson died at 99 two years ago in New York.
I wish Robert Boyle, the founder of modern chemistry, was here to push back on Dawkins. A devout Protestant who would support global Christian missions, the ultra brilliant Boyle used science to "prove" Christianity. Or the super genius mathematician -scientist and Christian apologist, Leonard Euler, who would use his math to prove God's existence.(The famous Euler's Number is named after this true Christian. The number has been called one of the most beautiful things in mathematics.)
I am certain that faith in Jesus as one's Saviour and God, is the only smart choice a human being can make. Most of the greatest scientists in history would absolutely agree.
And even if they didn't, I could care less. Because as you all know, everyone is a big fat zero in intelligence -even Maxwell, Faraday or Einstein- compared to our omniscient Father in heaven, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
God bless you. I think we need to push back on atheist scientists who are spreading the lie that they are ones who invented the sciences. All everyone hears about nowadays is the musings of the late atheist physicist Stephen Hawking. The secular media has given him too much credit. Even Isaac Newton wrote in his great seminal work of science, the Principia, that the majesty of the universe and complexity of the laws of physics prove God exists. Newton and Maxwell were much more brilliant than arrogant Hawking. This post is based on Ian Hutchison's and Peter Harrison's writings . Thank you so much for reading this and your replies . I really appreciate it!)
If I may very humbly point out that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone because of God's grace ,as you know -however Jesus says eternal rewards will be given for works. If you can share this post or the better posts of other members- especially with Christian university students- then you will get the eternal rewards for the work started by professor Hutchinson and Peter Harrison. There is so much doubt in the Christian church today so every little bit helps. in heaven you will see how a tiny bit of work was multiplied incredibly by the Spirit of Christ.
-for university students I think a good light read is the book "The Language of God" by American evangelical Dr. Francis Collins. He has cured diseases and was among the first to map the human genome/DNA and is considered one of the top biologists in the world.
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