Okay so lets get real.
There really is no such thing as love at first sight. There is no such thing as the stars aligning and the clouds parting and your souls interlocking and you just knoooow your for each other upon a first look at this other person.
Thats such garbage, and some of these answers..... okay mainly liamson's, kinda made me throw up in my mouth.
What happens is you see each other, and your instantly attracted to each other. Thats as far as it goes. You have no way of knowing what this person believes, who he or she is, what his or her soul is like, and i dont care what any of you say, there is no way to know any of that with just a first look. You have no special powers of being able to ''looook deeeepy into someones soul'' Im rolling my eyes as im typing this its so ridiculous.
The reality is you have no clue who it is your really looking at when you see someone for the first time. Appearances can be very deceiving. First conversations can be very deceiving.
Love is not a look, it's not a stellar trip through the universe with someone elses soul. Love is not instant. It's not a feeling. It's not a sappy song you hear on the radio of butterflies and rainbows.
Love is something you develop over time, from really knowing someone. Love is realizing your partner is so far from perfect its disturbing, but staying with them anyway. Love is an action. Love is a decision you have to make every single day.