Ah ha! Now I get it
Date no one who:
Wears socks with sandals
Gets man manicures
Thinks music, art, poetry is for sissies
Is entertained by bodily function noises in public
Says bad things about his mother
Says negative things about ex-gfs/wives constantly (a bad moment here and there acceptable)
Can't discuss headline news topics
Can't discuss scripture
Can't remember the color of my eyes
Has learned all he cares to at this point
Is afraid to leave home
Hates road trips
Won't slow dance with me in the livingroom when no one is watching
Gets mad if I dunk him while swimming
Won't let me touch his hair
Doesn't understand that I have asthma and absolutely can't be around smokers
Hates animals
Hates kids
Is just plain dominating and rude
Clearly has jealousy issues (there's usually something deeper going on there)
Bashes women
On date rules:
I expect everyone to be fully clothed wherever food is being served
No taking me somewhere to be your trophy while you leave me alone with total strangers to discuss business
Don't try to coax me to eat something if I politely tell you that I don't care for it
Don't tell me you love me on the first date
Don't treat me like an empty headed Barbie doll