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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
I subscribe to BritBox by the BBC. I've been watching their series "Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire." Last night I watched the Episode, "Rebellion" which covered the battles leading up to 70 AD and the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple. The first thing that caught my eye was the scene of Jews continuing animal sacrifices after the Christ had already been the one final sacrifice for sin, the Antitype who was represented by the Old Covenant sacrifices. Made me think of those pushing a heresy, wishing to bring back sacrifices in some renewed temple in a future physical Israel in Palestine. Ignorant literalism in a highly symbolic book like Ezekiel, produces crazy results.

Watching last night's episode caused me to see just how closely Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 were played out in that horrible period. Physical Israel was dramatically ended there, as the Old Covenant had been ended at the cross. There can be no more animal sacrifices in a temple there. Many good men of God in the past saw a great influx of physical Jews coming into the church before the last day. But looking at Romans 11, if holding to that view, there still is no mention of any temple, throne or sacrifices in that passage. I take the Scriptures to indicate the physical nation Israel ended in 70 AD, never to be reinstituted, the body of Christ being Israel continued, God's people in the New Covenant ruled by King Jesus from the throne in heaven, and this includes the saved of Gentiles and Judeans alike. King David ruled over God's people in under the Old Covenant. Now it is King Jesus ruling in the New Covenant.

"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt 21:43, KJV)
"That, I tell you, is the reason why the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and given to a nation that will exhibit the power of it." (Matt 21:43, Weymouth)

"But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them? He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said, God forbid. And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." (Luke 20:14-18, KJV)

"Jesus said to her, 'Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him.'" (John 4:21, 23, NRSV)
Amen.. Jesus told "this generation" what to expect . To my simple understanding . God allowed the sacrifices to continue until the end of "this generation"

Dipspensationalism is so man centered they choose to over look the very words of Jesus.

As if Jesus did not know the difference between 'this and that' . Dispensationalism distorts the book of Daniel . while looking forward to the man built temple ignoring the true value of :
Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
Eph 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
Thank you for posting . Your posts are clear simple to understand and well said .. me i am to emotional and not as schooled


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
Dad a pastor i literally grew up in church . The Bible was the 1917 Scofield edition. Being a kid i assumed the words printed in the book were Scripture , the Scofield notes were printed on the pages. 35 or so years later i started to see the errors of Scofieldism. Now knowing he some how changed some his notes after he died was a real eyeopener.
Jun 20, 2022
ok, this thread is actually educational. i was not aware denominations have created so many dispensations. what's being discussed in this thread is much different than the dispensation idealism of time.

Adam to Flood
Flood to 1st Temple
1st Temple to its destruction
destruction to 2nd Temple
2nd Temple to Christ
Christ to 2nd Temple destruction
2nd Temple destruction to 2nd Coming


the 7 Churches representing dispensation. we are now in the period of Laodecia (the lukewarm church era)

may i ask, where are the doctrine of the (8) dispensations being taught? which church denomination?

1. Dispensation of Innocence (Gen. 1:27,28).

2. Dispensation of Conscience (Gen. 3:7; Rom. 2:14,15).

3. Dispensation of Human Government (Gen. 9:1-7).

4. Dispensation of Promise (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17).

5. Dispensation of the Law (Ex. 19,20).

6. Dispensation of Grace (Eph. 3:1-6).

7. Dispensation of Divine Government (Psa. 2:1-12; Rev. 11:15-19; Rev. 20).

8. Dispensation of the Fullness of Times (Eph. 1:10; II Peter 3:12,13).


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
ok, this thread is actually educational. i was not aware denominations have created so many dispensations. what's being discussed in this thread is much different than the dispensation idealism of time.

Adam to Flood
Flood to 1st Temple
1st Temple to its destruction
destruction to 2nd Temple
2nd Temple to Christ
Christ to 2nd Temple destruction
2nd Temple destruction to 2nd Coming


the 7 Churches representing dispensation. we are now in the period of Laodecia (the lukewarm church era)

may i ask, where are the doctrine of the (8) dispensations being taught? which church denomination?

1. Dispensation of Innocence (Gen. 1:27,28).

2. Dispensation of Conscience (Gen. 3:7; Rom. 2:14,15).

3. Dispensation of Human Government (Gen. 9:1-7).

4. Dispensation of Promise (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17).

5. Dispensation of the Law (Ex. 19,20).

6. Dispensation of Grace (Eph. 3:1-6).

7. Dispensation of Divine Government (Psa. 2:1-12; Rev. 11:15-19; Rev. 20).

8. Dispensation of the Fullness of Times (Eph. 1:10; II Peter 3:12,13).
I grew up in the Assembles of God denomination is was taught there.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Gal 3:28-29, KJV)
Exactly! This is the reason James' epistle is not to the body of Christ. The letter of James is addressed to the "twelve tribes." These are not Christian Jews, rather Jews that will be scattered during the time of Jacob's trouble when the Judge is literally standing before the door. Great errors come from trying to make the letter of James Christian doctrine.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
I have read it a million times. Why don't you try to read it slowly keeping in mind Romans 9:6-8?
Are you implying replacement theology? As in the body of Christ has replaced Israel? Not going to work...


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
Are you implying replacement theology? As in the body of Christ has replaced Israel? Not going to work...
Are you so insensitive that you assume I believe in Replacement Theology? Replacement Theology is as false as dispensationalism.


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
Amen.. Jesus told "this generation" what to expect . To my simple understanding . God allowed the sacrifices to continue until the end of "this generation"

Dipspensationalism is so man centered they choose to over look the very words of Jesus.

As if Jesus did not know the difference between 'this and that' . Dispensationalism distorts the book of Daniel . while looking forward to the man built temple ignoring the true value of :
Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
Eph 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
Perfectly said!😇


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
Covenants, economies, dispensations, administrations

's all the same

God dispensed His grace differently through Moses than He does through Christ
The grace was the same while faith in His promises held them together until the promise became a reality (Jn 1:14, Titus 2:13).


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
Covenants, economies, dispensations, administrations

's all the same

God dispensed His grace differently through Moses than He does through Christ

God does not change. You need to look at the OT scriptures through the lens of their faith which always points to the faithful remnant. The Psalms are a window to the faith of the believers of the OT (old covenant).


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
Jos 21:43 And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.
This promise was never fulfilled: In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates: Israel has never occupied the extent of land going from the Nile (Egypt) to the Euphrates (Iraq). That is for the future.

The book of Joshua focuses on the land of Canaan, and to that extent the land was given to Israel. At the same time after the passing of Joshua, the enemies of Israel continued to occupy portions of that land. So the Abrahamic Covenant was never completely fulfilled.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
This promise was never fulfilled: In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates: Israel has never occupied the extent of land going from the Nile (Egypt) to the Euphrates (Iraq). That is for the future.

The book of Joshua focuses on the land of Canaan, and to that extent the land was given to Israel. At the same time after the passing of Joshua, the enemies of Israel continued to occupy portions of that land. So the Abrahamic Covenant was never completely fulfilled.
Beckie said:
Jos 21:43 And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.

So you do not believe what the Scriptures say . Good plan i guess if the Scriptures don't fit ones theology or dogma just say they are not true.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
The reason for my post is that dispensationalism is basically a heresy.
If you're not building an ark or making animal sacrifices for sin then you believe in dispensations. God dispensing truth to man throughout the course of human history, not all at once. That's all.


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
If you're not building an ark or making animal sacrifices for sin then you believe in dispensations. God dispensing truth to man throughout the course of human history, not all at once. That's all.
Chapter and verse where dispensations are taught in the Bible? Compare your presuppositions with Bible reality which is covenants. Dispensations are a farce.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
Chapter and verse where dispensations are taught in the Bible? Compare your presuppositions with Bible reality which is covenants. Dispensations are a farce.
Do you not agree that God dispensed his truth to man graduall throughout the course of human history? His truth was dispensed to man as man needed it?

The directions God gave Adam was different than what was given to Noah? Noah to Abraham? Abraham to Jacob? Jacob to Moses? And so on…
Aug 2, 2021
Exactly! This is the reason James' epistle is not to the body of Christ. The letter of James is addressed to the "twelve tribes." These are not Christian Jews, rather Jews that will be scattered during the time of Jacob's trouble when the Judge is literally standing before the door. Great errors come from trying to make the letter of James Christian doctrine.
You still believing the lie that seeks the separation of Jew from Gentile in the Body of Christ...........shame

It is written "what God has put together let no man separate"

It is written: "But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

It is written: For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
Do you not agree that God dispensed his truth to man graduall throughout the course of human history? His truth was dispensed to man as man needed it?

The directions God gave Adam was different than what was given to Noah? Noah to Abraham? Abraham to Jacob? Jacob to Moses? And so on…
We are discussing the doctrine of dispensations which in my view is deceptive because it's hardly 200 years old. Not biblical!