Here is his website
What he did at our church was speak to people out of the crowd or of those who he broadly spoken to like saying if you are feeling overwhelmingly darkness please come up to the stage. Then he also spoke to them individually but the audience could hear everything. He also spoke about what he saw in store for the church and church leaders. He spoke about his books and that was about it.
As for his critics, there doesn't seem to be a while lot of info on the web. As for his history or being legitimate, idk so far all I have is what my pastor said about him and what his website says.
Not a great track record for me.
Some say a modern prophet is infallible while other say they can be fallible but the scriptures say to test the prophet.
2 Peter 1:21 ESV
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
God can never be wrong.
What he did at our church was speak to people out of the crowd or of those who he broadly spoken to like saying if you are feeling overwhelmingly darkness please come up to the stage. Then he also spoke to them individually but the audience could hear everything. He also spoke about what he saw in store for the church and church leaders. He spoke about his books and that was about it.
As for his critics, there doesn't seem to be a while lot of info on the web. As for his history or being legitimate, idk so far all I have is what my pastor said about him and what his website says.
Not a great track record for me.
Some say a modern prophet is infallible while other say they can be fallible but the scriptures say to test the prophet.
2 Peter 1:21 ESV
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
God can never be wrong.
I think Bob might have a gift, but he probably improvises a bit as he goes along. What I see in the Bible, prophets often needed to spend time alone, quiet in prayer, in order process a prophetic message. Jesus often withdrew a quiet place to pray, Moses often went up to the mountain alone, Elijah spent some time in the wilderness and on a mountain, and there are others. I think we should all try to find a quiet time to pray.
God is easier to find in the stillness, solitude, and silence of prayer. Around people and trying to hear form God at the same time, it’s like trying to listen to several persons talk at once while simultaneously tracking each conversation. Quite difficult. Well, that’s why they often prayed in solitude I believe.
What I’m trying to get at is prophets often received their “Thus saith the Lord…” before hand then went and delivered the message to people, but Bob seems to improvise on the fly while being just vague enough to not be nailed down. That’s either exceptional or fake.
Question, did he start off the speaking event very specific and then, as time progressed, he became increasingly vague?
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