* TOPICAL Study is good, but it does not always have an ability to interrelate to other
areas of scripture, and does not sit on a solid foundation, but rather floats off by itself.
Some topics lend themselves to this because they are simply another 'thread' in the
tapestry and have their own function(s). Some topical studies in fact attempt to provide
a holistic framework, but not all do. Many topics are a bit more complicated, interwoven,
keys to linking past to current, to future.
ok. but not everything has to be related to scripture. i do inject scripture in this subject when appropriate....in fact (unless it disappeared at the CRASH) i have several really long threads on this very subject that have extensive Biblical studies attached.
i have linked to the appropriate basics for the reasons for this thread: that Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon the Great City.
* I agree, some topics are indeed intense and complex. Still, one does not build a house
without it's foundation first being laid. A topical study does not lend itself to establishing
the framework every time a new topic is covered, I understand that. The plumber,
electrician, cabinet maker, flooring specialist, roofer, could hardly care about the
foundation. Still their work cannot proceed without that solid foundation in place. The
time for foundational work is early in one's study life. Not all, not many here have laid
that foundation.
ok...but that's their decision, and their responsibility.
this thread, and other posts i make are just seeds. they're broadcast, as it were, and they fall where they may.
* Zone, I again do not want you to think I am attacking or criticizing YOU as a person. I
see and believe that you have good insights, are aware of many issues and topics and are
above average in your ability to bring out issues.
thank you. no i don't feel attacked as a person, nor attacked at all.
* When I look at some of the posts in a thread, including some of yours, I see many
people state opinions or make comments without this foundational understanding. Many
claim to be 'saved' or implore others to 'get saved', but there is no 'saved' or 'get saved'.
The Doctrines of Justification and Sanctification are foundational, but lacking. The
concept of what 'the church' is, or what 'heaven and hell' are, the concepts of 'grace' and
'sin' and 'deeds of the law' are not well understood, and much, needless argument,
assertion, conjecture, and opinion ensues in each thread. This simply creates chaos and
discord, as if the wallpaper could be added before the wall is installed, it becomes its own shell.
i understand DA.
i try to post scripture when i'm discussing doctrine and soteriology.
but this thread is about Judaism, Talmudism and the Noahide Laws as they relate to Christians
* I see and believe that many indeed do reach their own (and various and wild and
sometimes outrageous) conclusions. I am not asking that you train each person in the
fundamentals each time you post a topical thread. I am not asking you to pour a
foundation, when the topic is how to set tile or lay carpet or install windows. I am simply
stating the fact that unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it, and
the Lord Jesus has to be set in place, atop the foundation of the teachings of the apostles,
before we can further add any more to the building of this new 'temple'.
this is true, concerning His House (doctrine) and the establishment and building up the saints in the church.
this thread may help some christians find or seek answers to some questions, but again, i prefer people decide for themselves, search for themselves and reach their own conclusions. that's what the cited sources are for. i have no problem commenting and even strongly.
* I am not promoting 'someone else's system' at all. I am saying there are simple *(but
not easy) foundational concepts of scripture that must be in place and understood before
most other scripture study, discussion, and certainly understanding can proceed. These
are not the property of any person, religion or church - scripture is not for private
interpretation. Still, they are the structural fabric which all other threads tie to in order to
complete the tapestry.
ok...but its not my job to do a doctrinal dissertation on every topic.
* I appreciate your cited sources, and your finding them in the first place. Without your
level of interest and intensity and awareness of many of these issues, most deeper
discussions would not take place. False premises (on anyone's part) can lead to false
conclusions. Many bring these premises to the discussion based on their conjecture,
hopes, desires and personal interests.
yes but this is our condition.
spice of life i guess.
* SO WHAT? -- part of the answer is to do some basic doctrinal studies (or encourage
others to on their own, perhaps by citations and links). Prophetic scripture for example
means nothing when many of the prophecies relate to people in the forum, because of
their lack of foundational understanding of the Gospels and Epistles. I could cite bible
codes all day, or post Greek and Hebrew word meanings, and it means or helps nothing in
terms of changing hearts and minds that quicken the dead and awaken the sleeping.
ok....but the "lost" won't be saved by a study on the Noahide Laws.
a few links may prompt one to look further, and if the Holy Spirit is working with that one, He will quicken their minds.
* Posting seems to get to be an exercise in typing and copying and pasting, rather than
EDIFICATION and EXHORTATION. Still, not all with eyes will see, and not all with ears will
hear. But if we are 'apt to teach' we should know the audience and give successive
revelation. Some still need the milk, when perhaps meat is laid on the table, they choke
on the inability to chew and swallow and digest -- Not asking you to be the nursemaid.
Not all here are Bereans.
DA....i'm not the nursemaid, and i know you're not asking me to be.
it's not my pressing need to provide EDIFICATION and EXHORTATION on every thread or in every post. others are free to here, that's cool.
this subject can be un-nerving, shocking and upsetting for some...i just like to keep this topic clear of distracting influences....but anyone is free to do what they like.
i'm sorry....i shouldn't have said "DA don't flood this thread"....please forgive.
i agree, not all are Bereans....you or i can't make one a Berean. they either are, or they are not.
love zone.