The new world order is a term that goes back beyond Adolf Hitler. He used it in many speeches, just as did GW Bush. I think that many republicans and Christians who were listening to his speeches were, how did you put it?...."steer our awareness in the direction of that new worldly order, label it entertainment, and we're entertained." They were steered by politicians, Fox (in the hen house) News, fake Preachers ( pick a channel), gt re-education centers/ public schools, all types of media including music, video games, on and on. Way back in the time of Shakespeare entertainment was influencing many.
If you want my opinion on this subject, check out my thread on Predictive Programming in one of my posts above, highlighted in blue.
Whether we are on a forum like this, went to school, or used to watch action movies, we all need the Bible daily to help us to discern truth from everything else.
Sometimes there's an illustration that makes a point of whatever context the topic is, like the one above. I don't recommend anyone go out and rent it. I was just reminded how the scene happened to cover the subject in an interesting, over the top, funny way. In a nutshell, the actress was the heroine, (good gal),and was being attacked by their corporate "security" department like the one mentioned in the op. She was just trying to get outta there. She used the enemies weapons against them. I liked the scene where she used the batons on the hit squad. One night I was sitting in my living room alone watching that movie and I paused it at the end of
Then I fervently prayed for something very specific. God kindly answered my prayer that week.