Sorry I just picked the forum that might suit my thought process best
Yeah, when I joined this forum, I didn't post to the New Member subforum either. Still haven't.
Well what’s going wrong is the gross trans child mutilation critical race agenda that says all straight white males are the enemy that’s the main thing I have a problem with I know who is pushing it… if your really search you will see what’s happening today has happened before pushed by the same group but somehow this group always seems to play the victim even though they are the root problem look maybe this isn’t where I need to be but I have no friends or anyone else to turn to so I thought I would seek answers here I know these people in charge of this country hate whites, Christian and western civilization that’s why this is happening and when America falls they will go right back where they came from which is where they are sending our money and our resources… sorry for the rant I just have no one to talk to lol
Welcome to the forum! I came from the heavy metal scene and got saved when I was 17 in the 1980s. I still listen to heavy metal and all the later forms of rock through the decades once in a while (the songs that God doesn't mind any way, lol!).
I think you're very observant! I think you found a good place here to be able to vent. And also to be encouraged to stay strong and not let the bad group influence you.
Of course, you'll also find a few people here who belong to that group that is creating these problems. You'll figure out who from their posts - they spout the same things as the group and mock everyone else.
You KNOW that they gaslight everyone who questions what their group is doing.
"Who, what, them? They're not doing anything! You're just imagining things!"
"What on earth are you talking about? What you're complaining about doesn't exist!"
"That terrible event is the fault of <opposite their group>! It's not the group's fault at all! They're innocent!"
I learned not to even address them anymore, because they are as slippery as a snake coated in oil. I know you don't believe in God, but I'm pretty chill about all the gaslighting because I know they'll have to face God someday. It won't be pretty.
I'm glad that you notice that the group is trying to discourage men from being the strong leaders that most are and should be. They're doing this to try to crush those who are strong. White men first, and then men in general. They don't want strong leadership in western civilization opposing them. It's also to try to keep the genders from working well together.
Christianity puts God first and they don't want that either. They want people to put their agenda first. I don't know if you know about the end time prophecies in the Bible, but the prophecies are coming to pass quicker and quicker. I think the group knows about them, but they don't think the consequences of their actions will happen because right now they're succeeding with everything they've planned on schedule. (Which is weird, if the prophecies that show they will succeed for a short time passes, then the prophecies that spell their doom will come to pass as well. *Shrug*)
Anyway, since Christian people are going to resist them the most, they're going to try to get people to hate us as a way to intimidate. They'll also try to cause division among us as well. Whatever divisions there already are, they're going to try to deepen. And there are also a lot more nominal (or shallow) Christians that are, to some degrees, in name only because of the spread of a shallow form of the gospel and shallow form of Christian teaching for righteous living.
When none of that works, Christians are going to get killed outright. But if one is really a Christian, that shouldn't be something to worry about since we believe in resurrection. But that will truly be a test of faith when the time comes.
I think the group operates from within western civilization, so they're trying to control it quickly. And I think they're being successful at it. They'll have some trouble controlling Asia though (USSR - uh, I mean Russia and its satellite countries, as well as China and the rest of the Asian countries) because they don't understand eastern civilization.
If you're ever interested in Biblical prophecies, which to be honest are SO FASCINATING, you can start a thread on anything you're wondering about! You can put your thread of inquiry in the Bible Discussion Forum.
I hope we'll be able to support you in this crazy world we live in and that you have a great time here on the forums!