No need to duck out of the forum. If it was pain and brokenness that I was feeling that would be great advice. In my case it is a distrust of others and a sensitivity to rude behavior that I struggle with.
yeah I don't like rude behavior, it tempts me to reacting to the same way and being rude back but I normally do the excessively sweet route instead. the people who really know me can tell when I don't like someone because i try to be extra nice in hopes that the person can not tell that I'm having thoughts about doing seriously unpleasant things to them.
then I feel guilty for my mean thoughts and have to pray for myself and them and tend to avoid them afterwards.
I wouldn''t ever date them because I would hate the idea of procreating with someone who was so rude and would teach my kids the same thing.
the distrust of others?
I used to have a problem with that when I focused on all the bad things they did to me or kept track of all the hurtful things people did.
however, it toke me a while and I still forget at times but I learned a hard lesson that if you look for bad things you will find them, but if you look for good things and see the good in people life is so much more pleasant.
I try and see not only who the person is right now, or what they did in the past but the potentional of who they could be in the future.
I work with high school kids and my friends tell me I day dream alot but sometimes I will sit there and think about the future. how these kids if they wanted to could change the world. how it took only one person to do many things. that you never know what a lump of mud can become in a potter's hand or what a unique lost soul can grow into in the Hands of our Heavenly Father.
so I guess I don't just trust in the person, but in faith that if God wanted He could heal and help anyone I was to encounter to become a person worth trusting. meanwhile I try and forgive them when they hurt me and show them that no matter what God loves them and because of that I will try my best to love them too. However I do draw the line when they become abusive, step over boundaries, or indulge in behavior that is harmful for themselves or others. Sometimes you have to love people from a distance and pray for them from a distance too.
if that makes any sense. lol sorry lack of sleep makes the words start crossing..