The new generation

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The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
The world is going to rebel against God because of the new age movement which they say Lucifer is a god, and an alien, and wants to help mankind to have peace, and he gave the principle of mind to the then animal-man, and will cause them to evolve along with him to be spiritual, and godlike, which they talk about the return of the gods.

I do not think the world will get better concerning Christianity increasing, and there might be a revival as a last effort to effect the world before the world rebels against God.

The Bible says the new age movement will come out at the latter times and the time will come the world will only want to hear the Bible according to their own lusts which is the new age movement interpretation of the Bible based on the occult and evolution, and people are still evolving to be spiritual, and there is no God.

That is what is influencing American society now.

They are knocking down major influences in society even lying about them, and boosting the minor influences.

They want population reduction so they are affecting the children to be transgender, and also to pervert the children so they grow up and will not embrace Christianity, and a God.

Also they believe that mind creates reality more than the world of sense so they want them to believe they can be any gender, and pronoun they want so they can create a mindset they can be whatever they want to be, and then they can influence the children that they are still evolving, and are gods.

Luk 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Luk 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

The pouring out of the Spirit on mankind at the day of Pentecost was the kingdom of God coming to Earth, and when a person receives the Spirit the kingdom of God is within them.

Pro 30:11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.
Pro 30:12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
Pro 30:13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.
Pro 30:14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

The last generation before God ends sin on Earth which will be the worse in attitude, and will heap money to themselves and not care about the poor and needy.

The last generation will be the worse generation and with the LGBTQ community, and the woke community, and people becoming transgenders, and all around rooten tooten fighting in America which the internet is ground zero, and the time will come they will only want to accept the new age movement there probably will be no revival for the people's attitude to accept it will not be great.

It is over and God is giving the world their way for a certain amount of time to follow the New Age Christ and then He will end sin on Earth.

God will not give up on the world until the world gives up on Him so He is going to allow the new age movement to end up being the system of the world.

Since God is giving them their way to rebel against Him there probably will be no revival.

The new age movement is going to influence American society with a different perspective of Jesus that is an average Joe reducing his status, and of the occult, and a good teacher in spiritual enlightenment, and evolved to be an ascended master, and was genetically born a woman and transgendered to be a man.

If they get people to embrace the perspective of Jesus then they will accept the new age movement.

They had a hand in the 1960's counter culture movement to get the people away from the 1950's attitude.

And not they are ready to start another counter culture movement to unite the people for they are ripe for the picking.

I do not see a revival but deception from here on out and increasing.
I was unable to read the entirity of your post but you do seem to have a very good grasp on what is going on behind the scenes and honestly I would love to discuss it further with you in particular this movement your speaking of I have not heard of this.

I did get to the part where you said there may be a revival as a last ditch effort assuming I did read that correctly this revival as a las itch effort is exactly what this new generation is supposed to be and trust me this generation is not going to live in the era we are where we can if we choose be causual in our walk they are going to be in a time of utter darkness and despair your not going to be able to say your a follower of Christ and get off scott free


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2023
I don't believe in it becuase I have not seen any evidence in it within scripture except maybe John the baptist but even then I don't think it is reincarnation.
Reincarnation is basically a dead soul transfering into another body being similar but also different. Jesus was not reincarnated he was the word made flesh but that isn't reincarnation he would have had to be dead firstly then transfered into a physical body secondly he would not be the same person he was originally he would be similar but not the same.

As for Jerimiah This is God telling him he was chosen beforehand it isn't speaking of reincarnation. Though there is a theory that before time began when he first created the earth that he knew us and we knew him I admit that I do not know if this is solid enough to be true but I have said to him plenty of times that there is something familiar about him
I can't quite put my finger on it either it's like trying to remember a memory long forgotten and you only get a vague sense of it
lol ok brother, the soul is a living mind and conscience, I've worked this out from scripture.

There is no such thing as dead soul, but maybe a dead mind and conscience,

The people in Abrahams busom where not living spirits or souls but living minds and conscience,

I love you brother,

A soul feals no pain in hell but a living mind and conscience does.
A persons soul is there mind and conscience.

It's like having a dream and in your dream you get your arm chopped off.
The next morning you wake up and you have a saw arm for days, like it actually happened,

I've had this happen to me in s dream

It was God telling me this is the pain a living person will recieve in hell.

A body is lifeless with out a mind and conscience but the mind and conscience was transported into a embryo in Mary from heaven in the form of Jesus, this is how reincarnation is possible.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2023
But a human can also give birth to a mind and conscience, which means you haven't been here befor


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Well all I can say is ss with every "office" that God calls us to there are gifts that must follow that office.
Yes if the gifts don't follow then your not in that office this is why called and emphasis on called. Every office has a function in the body you don't choose which part you as but as far as the office of a prophet that one in particular is not one you choose as you more so than anyone will be held accountable for what you speak and claim to be speaking from the mouth of God.

While I do know the prophets or at least the real ones are an important function in the body we need more students than anything.

We need people who devote themselves before his feet he is calling us to a fellowship with him that is on a whole other level but we aren't going to reach that level with him unless we are all in ynless we are dead serious going after him with out entire being.
He is up to something huge and you know he has this kind of sneakyness to him I liken it to a playful kind of sneakyness often times he often hides things in plain sight but only a heart that shares a deep intimacy with him would see it. But when he does inact what he is planning it is going to be a game changer it is going to be amazing and unpresidented and he is calling his children to be a part of what he is doing many are called but few are chosen but they were chosen only because they heard and answered the call


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
lol ok brother, the soul is a living mind and conscience, I've worked this out from scripture.

There is no such thing as dead soul, but maybe a dead mind and conscience,

The people in Abrahams busom where not living spirits or souls but living minds and conscience,

I love you brother,

A soul feals no pain in hell but a living mind and conscience does.
A persons soul is there mind and conscience.

It's like having a dream and in your dream you get your arm chopped off.
The next morning you wake up and you have a saw arm for days, like it actually happened,

I've had this happen to me in s dream

It was God telling me this is the pain a living person will recieve in hell.

A body is lifeless with out a mind and conscience but the mind and conscience was transported into a embryo in Mary from heaven in the form of Jesus, this is how reincarnation is possible.
When I say dead soul I mean someone who has passed away and admittidly as far as the actual soul goes I have not done to much research on that what is exacly but from what I understand it isn't simply a mind and comsciousness it like your true self the very essence of your bring that he created

For instance every time I encountered Jesus I didn't look like I do here in this world I didn't just look different I had the body of a small child as I have always had a childlike love and affection and endearment for him it wasn't merely meing a conscious it was an actual spiritual body.

However and maaybe I misunderstood you on this but a soul does in fact feel pain I have been to hell itself before and I can attest to the intense unwordly heat the thirst is unbearable people were in agony giving out screams that sounded inhuman this was ironacally when I first encountered Jesus he was waiting for me sitting in a chair

But I will at least do some research on the matter of reincarnation as I would be a pretty big hypocrite if I claimed people are so set in their perception and understanding that you can't reason with him


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
When you only look for the grand, you overlook all the small examples of Christ's love demonstrated all the time.
Yes, but it is also acceptable to anticipate "the grand" with great hope and joy. The Millennial Kingdom is yet future.
1 Corinthians 15:19
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.”

And let's not get too comfy with the wicked world we live in at the moment. We are but aliens, strangers, and sojourners here. This world is not our home.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
The subtillness of the garden is showing its self at work in your posts'
Luk_6:32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.
1Co 13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
1Co 13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
1Co 13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
1Co 13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
1Co 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
1Co 13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
1Co 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
1Co 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
I will be the first to admit I have not always responded as I should I can become frustrated with people when I am trying to get them to understand what I am trying to say but it just falls on deaf ears it is a weakness of mine and true enough I am not the best at relaying on what I am trying to say all the time but I still try to explain things as best as I can and granted sometimes I don't understand what is told to me either


Senior Member
May 26, 2016
It's so good to see you again I have missed you.. As for my statement of the church my intention isn't to talk smack and I don't say these things for no reason and the church I am speaking of is the body as a whole not a building or anything. I won't say that the church is completely dead there are parts of the body that are active but a body cannot function if only part of it is working my rebukes are meant for those who have fallen asleep who have forgotten their first love who have lost their passion and hunger theur zeal and fire
i miss you, too. :)

i knew what you meant; you're talking about believers. my position is these are people for whom Christ died. He loves them. and He made a promise to build HIS Church. is it filled on this earth with flawed people? you betcha. yet i believe He knows what He's about. and because they are beloved, we must speak carefully about them.

you know, all the things you mentioned are warnings given in Scripture. God's people can read about them there, and the Holy Spirit can, does, and will convict those who need it.

i appreciate your zeal... and gently suggest this is something you could just be praying about. we all could.

i'm trying to space my words and keep them short for the sake of your eyes. please believe i am praying for you, dear heart.


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
has it? look around you we live in an age of sin self worship a complete lack of anything resembling the kingdom the church itself is dead you can't tell the difference between a Christian and a normal person there is no zeal for God anymore even most believers are simply ok with being the average believer the power of God is merely something spoken of and taught rarely do you ever see a spirit filled believer and this is made evident in the complete inefectiveness of the church.

If the kingdom is already here where is it? Where is this holy spirit that where is this love for God that causes the heart to chase after him with an enless hunger and thirst?

The kingdom is not here if it was you would see it active but look around you can you honestly tell me the kingdom is here and if you think it is what is the kingdom to you and how is it here?
Yes. It is ironic that He named himself @ResidentAlien
When he refers to Kingdom, he is simply thinking of the fact that God is currently King (as God always has been and ever shall be.)


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Lev_19:32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.
Pro_16:31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.
Yes there is indeed much to be learned from those who have had more etime and experience in this life that is when I am able to do group studies I specifically request to do so with seniors instead youth I actually get along better with older people than people my age as I am attracted to the wisdom and experience however this isn't always the case as just because they are older and have more experience doesn't mean they have the wisdom to go with it.

When I speak of respect I'm not talking about being respectful that should be something we do anyways but rather Respect as in holding in high regard and again I am attracted to wisdom so When I encounter someone who displays wisdom I have respect for them and even if we disagree on things I hold them in high regard.

But the wisdom I am looking is the wisdom of God not man one can claim to have it but wisdom from God is more than experience and age it is a trait something given to you not gained simply from experience and years

I can tell just from the few times speaking to you that you have wisdom you remind me of still waters so you are someone I would listen to but if someone who I cannot sense this wisdom does all they can to convince even giving scripture I am not able to recieve it it is the wisdom that catches my attention


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
i miss you, too. :)

i knew what you meant; you're talking about believers. my position is these are people for whom Christ died. He loves them. and He made a promise to build HIS Church. is it filled on this earth with flawed people? you betcha. yet i believe He knows what He's about. and because they are beloved, we must speak carefully about them.

you know, all the things you mentioned are warnings given in Scripture. God's people can read about them there, and the Holy Spirit can, does, and will convict those who need it.

i appreciate your zeal... and gently suggest this is something you could just be praying about. we all could.

i'm trying to space my words and keep them short for the sake of your eyes. please believe i am praying for you, dear heart.
thank you for the spacing it really makes a difference I could probably read longer posts if it was written in this way.
But I will consider what you said even today when I came on here before I even made a post he said to me there is a ftime for fire and a time for water I had that zeal and fire but the thing is if your not careful that zeal and fire can be confused with the fiery human spirit and I began to respond to people in a manner that I did not like and he stilled my spirit


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Yes. It is ironic that He named himself @ResidentAlien
When he refers to Kingdom, he is simply thinking of the fact that God is currently King (as God always has been and ever shall be.)
Well the thing is and I am not saying this to attack him but he doesn't know the spirit of God and the kingdom is a spiritual matter so when you quench the spirit your not going to see or understand the kingdom

You have to be kingdom minded you have to be for the kingdom that is the only way the kingdom will be brought forth into our reality.

Jesus was the word made flesh and the entire bible is at it's the testimony of Jesus so you could I suppose liken the word as the flesh of Jesus but he was both flesh and spirit both man and God we also are not just flesh also spiritual beings so when one reads the word or has their walk in faith relying solely on scripture but forgetting the spirit then you basically get people like him.

The spirit speaks to the spirit


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
We shall see the King.
We shall see the King!
We shall see the King when He comes.

He is coming in power.
All hail the mighty hour!
We shall see the King when He comes.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
We shall see the King.
We shall see the King!
We shall see the King when He comes.

He is coming in power.
All hail the mighty hour!
We shall see the King when He comes.
I don't give that to just anybody you have to really impress me


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
We shall see the King.
We shall see the King!
We shall see the King when He comes.

He is coming in power.
All hail the mighty hour!
We shall see the King when He comes.
This is a prophecy given to you that is greater than the one I was given this wasn't mere insperation or influence this is from the very lips of God himself


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2021
Well the thing is and I am not saying this to attack him but he doesn't know the spirit of God
Blain, you should stop and actually listen to yourself. Now you have the ability to say who has the Holy Spirit and who doesn't? Dude, I've been praying for you.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
I don't need your hypocrisy and your word games.

I've made it very clear .Jesus has come,and not as what you think of....

I don't need you to follow me.Just remember someone has sepnd his time to wake up you.
Following you? playing word games? Nope just trying to understand what you are saying in our exchange in this thread.
How can you know what i think?


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
There is such a thing as a word of knowledge. Which may be given to a person to speak. This does not mean that person is a prophet.
Blain has always had dreams and visions and seems sincere in his efforts to express them.
Given his health issues and possible medication he may need could enhance his state of mind.
Scripture tells us not to lay hands suddenly on any man.
Scripture also tells us nothing is new under the sun. Also...not by power nor by might but by my spirit says the Lord...not worship. Just a few things to think about.
No one persues the life of a prophet nor is the calling accepted with gladness, it is very dangerous.
Imo i think it best to study the life of a prophets and there out come before making conclusions.
I was going through the pages as it seems I have missed a lot and wanted to respond to you on this. my health is indeed in a dangerous state but my mind isn't the issue. If I used my mind when thinking I recieved something to speak well that is the human fleshly way of doing it is far to easy to confuse yourself and delude yourself with the mind that is how you confuse his voice with your own.

He speaks directly to your heart a lot of times it is like a voice with no sound a language with no words yet the message is clearly spoken. Sure I was intuned to his voice and was always close to him but I still wasn't on the right frequency I was intuned with the spirit in that way I had dreams and visions and would occasionally write prophetic thing via poems or prophetic utterancesbut there was a whole other level he wanted me to get on with him and when I finally just kneeled before him in my room and just utterly surrender everything to him my life my will every cell in my body everything I have done am doing and will do all of it as an offering unto him as not just my savior but my Lord and king

This was when he changed me and this is when he really started getting active me and to make a long story short I found in worshipping him how you suddenly are with him in a glorious the absolute joy in just giving him praise and honor and worship you could do this for eternity if you had the choice

It was in this state of worship with him that this prophecy was given to me some could argue I got confused or that it was from the enemy but when your in worship with him like that your in the glory in of God your in a place with him that only comes from worship

And i'm sorry but when your in that place with him it would be laughable to even convienve the idea that you will be confused or something will be from the enemy anyone who has ever been in his presnece would say the same thing your in truth at that moment he is only truth nothing else so as bizzare as I am sure the prophecy I gave may sound I just want people to consider what brought me to speak it they don't have to accept it and they don't have accept I am prophet but at the very least consider the worship


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
We shall see the King.
We shall see the King!
We shall see the King when He comes.

He is coming in power.
All hail the mighty hour!
We shall see the King when He comes.
love those old songs


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022

Why are you so worked up?

Why do you think everything comes down to the prophet?

God just look for a suitable vessel to be used.

Romans 9:21
Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

Blain clearly say that he is not prophet.
You guys are horrible.
He states in the OP he is a prophet . 4th paragraph opening line
I am a prophet but I also am not as I was never any one thing for him I am not special or chosen I am simply willing that is the only reason I would validated at all.