people have forgotten to give thanks to God when their lives are being blessed with good things, family, love, respect, enough food, shelter, etc and then they curse or expect God to give them things to fulfill their own lusts and desires of this world when they have no desire to do the things God created them to do in the first place. they continue in disobedience and disrespect to God and expect everything to be sunshine and happy days forgetting that the world was not made for THEIR pleasure but they were made to praise and glorify God.
Instead of talking about God they would rather be "right" and fulfill the lust of their flesh and their pride with empty words and thorns.
im taking a neutral stance....well, these are your views, rather the christian view, not society's...
your are trying to impose what you believe is positive, in to what society is doing, which you believe is negative
now, society believes they're views are correct and yours are wrong...what's the result? nothing
+/- (your views are positive/ society's views are negative) -/+ (your views are negative/society's vies are positive) what occurs? the whole process was cancelled out. no one won
people in society are happy the way they are, they don't want to turn to your views. you cannot change society no matter how hard your try....that's my point...only those who seek shall find. If they don't, let them be, dont question they're actions because you cannot change them