It has always been my understanding of all scriptures that salvation is something of a process.... much like being under the old covenant was something of a process... the sign of being under the old covenant was circumcision. But the Jewish people were also expected to follow the laws of God in order to "be saved". They were not "earning" salvation, they were simply doing what was asked of them by God.
The new covenant is similar in many ways.... we don't "earn" salvation, it is freely offered.... we simply accept it. But to fulfil our part of the covenant, we do what we are asked to do.... belief that Jesus died for us, faith that he saves us, and obedience to his commands. Our visible sign that we are in full agreement with the covenant is baptism.... just as circumcision was for the old covenant.
In that sense, it is a requirement.... we don't do it to "earn" salvation, we do it to show that we have willingly accepted the free gift of salvation. If we refuse to do that, how can we say that we have taken part in the covenant? If a Jewish man said, yes, I want to be a part of Abraham's tribe, with all the benefits thereof, but I'm not doing the circumcision thing.... would he have been truly been a participant in the covenant? Of course not....
And if we don't make that clear to someone wanting to be a part of this new covenant, then we are failing them. But, this is why I think that baptism should be done as soon as a person accepts Jesus into their life.... it is their public statement that they are part of the new covenant.... plus, as scripture tells us, it is an appeal to God for a clear conscience through Jesus' death and resurrection, and it is for the forgiveness of sin. And, it is to receive the Holy Spirit, as scripture tells us.
Why would anyone want to leave any of that out? Just for "convenience" ??
The new covenant is similar in many ways.... we don't "earn" salvation, it is freely offered.... we simply accept it. But to fulfil our part of the covenant, we do what we are asked to do.... belief that Jesus died for us, faith that he saves us, and obedience to his commands. Our visible sign that we are in full agreement with the covenant is baptism.... just as circumcision was for the old covenant.
In that sense, it is a requirement.... we don't do it to "earn" salvation, we do it to show that we have willingly accepted the free gift of salvation. If we refuse to do that, how can we say that we have taken part in the covenant? If a Jewish man said, yes, I want to be a part of Abraham's tribe, with all the benefits thereof, but I'm not doing the circumcision thing.... would he have been truly been a participant in the covenant? Of course not....
And if we don't make that clear to someone wanting to be a part of this new covenant, then we are failing them. But, this is why I think that baptism should be done as soon as a person accepts Jesus into their life.... it is their public statement that they are part of the new covenant.... plus, as scripture tells us, it is an appeal to God for a clear conscience through Jesus' death and resurrection, and it is for the forgiveness of sin. And, it is to receive the Holy Spirit, as scripture tells us.
Why would anyone want to leave any of that out? Just for "convenience" ??
In fact. When Moses was given the law. He was told to make the children of Israel confirm that they would heed and obey every word. Hence it required perfection. cursed is the one who does not meet this standard.
God knew they would (could) not meet this standard. so he instituted the sacrificial system. This was used to show them the evil of their sin, and the cost. that an innocent had to die for them to be forgiven.
They did not have to follow the law in order to be saved. the law condemned them.. They were told to follow the law and be circumcised as a sign between God and them as a nation, and in turn he would bless them as a nation and be their God (He later in Lev 26 showed them what would happen if they did not obey him, including military defeat)
But non of that had anything to do with them being saved..
Abraham believed, and at that moment he was saved.
The bible says that we too would be saved the same way. By believing..not by doing (see romans 4)
again, like them, if we are Gods children, and we obey, we will be blessed. if not. we too will be punished..l but that has nothing to do with our eternal state. Our eternal state and forgiveness is based on the sacrifice.. the cross.
As Jesus said, as moses lifted the serpent, so to must he be lifted. that whoever believes will not perish.
if you look at what Jesus mentioned. Israel was being bitten by snakes. So they were dead. with no Hope.
Only those who in faith looked up were saved. the others suffered their fate and died.
That is salvation in a nutshell.. Look to christ in faith..
he who believes is not condemned, he who does not believe is condemned already.. their death sentence is certain unless they look up.
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