Charlie Munger Predicts a Horrible Economic Crisis Where EVERYTHING WILL COLLAPSE
He said something interesting, he said "we don't want to go there, at least I don't". Charlie Munger is a billionaire, financially he could not be more set. Very few people on this planet are as financially secure as Charlie Munger. So he realizes that for himself these changes would be bad, but he also realizes that he may very well be in the minority.
This is what a democracy is, the majority have to want to keep the status quo or else you are going to become unstable.
Think about when they shipped off the NAFTA jobs overseas. If you had a high paying manufacturing job and you lost it because of that and your town or city went downhill fast like Detroit, then sure, you may want some rabble rouser. So it is very important that the hurt caused by sending manufacturing overseas is temporary. You can't have a policy that destroys your manufacturing without also having a policy that will replace it so that in twenty years that community that lost has been revitalized. Roger Ailes came from the rust belt, this was where Fox and the Tea party originated. But our government ignored them and called them deplorables and irredeemable. That is a heinous behavior.
Then think about the 2008 mortgage meltdown. It was criminal, the banks were violating the law and yet no one was punished, no one was prosecuted, no one was penalized. Why should someone who got robbed in the 2008 crisis continue to want the status quo? Why should someone who had their job shipped overseas continue to want the status quo? Then consider the WMD's we went over to Iraq to find. If your son or daughter got killed or maimed fighting bogus wars against make believe enemies why should you still want to keep the status quo? Now let's consider the 2020 election, the pandemic, the vaccine mandates, the southern border, the injustice of how Hunter Biden has been treated. Each of these things causes more and more people to feel disenfranchised. You cannot have a democracy if 70% of the voters think the election is fraudulent. Think of the people who have been imprisoned or had a family member who was and they see how Hunter Biden is treated. You think they want to keep the status quo?
A nation is built on righteousness as the foundation, if the foundation is unrighteous the nation cannot stand.