I'd like to start a new thread for people in recovery who have figured out that the best way to start building a home is on solid ground. The rock.
This is a christian site and I feel identifying Krishna, Mohamed, Buddha, ash trays or group conscience as the higher power is a LIE. The only real higher power is the one and only triune God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The only problem is how to filter out the haters, law mongers and deniers'.
In the words of William Booth paraphrased "It takes more than a clean pair of breeches, a bath and a job to save a mans soul."
This is a deadly disease. We have to become deadly serious in dealing with it. Our best thinking got us into the mess we got ourselves into. We need help! Jesus has the power, we surrender to him.
Please join me friends and family welcome too. It's not like Christians don't get ensnared or those of us that become ensnared don't come to Jesus. We need to share, testify and help each other.
My name is Bob. I'm a grateful recovering addict/gambler/sinner. Please help/join me in my and others who are anonymous effort to bring some recovery without condemnation to Christian Chat.

TTFN. calibob.