Nazarite DNA by Lou Engle
hmm...let's see: (more on what they mean by
DNA later)
By Lou Engle
by Lou Engle
"America is receiving Her apostles, prophets, and evangelists, but She has not yet seen Her Nazirites!"
This audible voice from the Lord reverberated through my whole being, jarring me out of a deep sleep into a wakened attentiveness to the Holy Spirit. I knew that the Lord had spoken to me.
In fact, God's answer had come quickly to my heart's searching the night before when my 13-year old son had asked permission with determined insistence to take the Nazirite vow of Numbers 6:1-21. In his persistence, he said to me, "Dad, I don't want to cut my hair until TheCall DC" which was 8 months away at the time. He continued, "I don't want to eat meats and sweets until TheCall and I want to go on a juice fast the 40 days before TheCall. And Dad, I don't want to play baseball this year. I want to run with you and pray for revival in America."
The voice of the Lord could not have been any clearer to me through that audible voice encounter. I could hear the Lord saying to me through that encounter: "Lou, do not hinder your son from being extreme for Me. Let the young man go for it. Let him go as far as he can go with his consecration before Me. I am the One raising up the Nazirites." With fear and trembling, I knew what He was saying and I knew the holy admonition of Amos 2:11-12 where God thundered, "I raised up some of your sons as prophets, and some of your young men as Nazirites... But you gave the Nazirites wine to drink, and commanded the prophets saying, ‘Do not prophesy!'"
I believe that God is saying in this passage that He was and is the One who stirs up this counter-cultural youth movement of prophets and fasting and praying Nazirites who are the dreamers that shift the destiny of nations. I knew from the encounter that night that God is raising up a new breed in America that will not be known so much for its gifts and position, but for its passion. They would be known more for their fasting and hunger for God than their feasting and games.
God is Raising Up His Nazirites
As I read the Scriptures, I believe the Lord makes very clear the reasons why He raises up Nazirites throughout history - to save a nation from Her enemies (Samson), to restore a nation to its moral foundations and establish a worship and prayer movement (Samuel), and to raise up a "voice" burning like a torch that can turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the rebellious back to the wisdom of the righteous (John the Baptist) and thus, prepare a nation to receive the visitation of Jesus Christ.
Because of this scriptural vision and hope of the Nazirites, a week after the 1997 Promise Keepers' Stand in the Gap gathering in Washington, DC, I prophesied at a youth/young adult conference in the deserts of the Southwest that God was raising up a young Nazirite, John the Baptist movement that would go to the Mall in Washington, DC to fast and pray for a spiritual awakening in America. I declared that when they would go to fast and pray, it would be a sign that America is turning to God.
On September 2, 2000, over 400,000 people gathered to the Mall in Washington, DC for the first TheCall DC gathering. I believe that solemn assembly was a fulfillment of the prophecy I received in 1997 in the deserts of the Southwest and it was a sign from heaven that this nation was turning to God.
And after 8 months of his Nazirite separation and preparation before the Lord, when my 13-year old son prayed at TheCall DC for the Nazirites to arise in this nation, a roar shook that field in agreement and a generation was marked. Today, wherever I travel across America, I run into young people who were there that day in 2000 and say that the Nazirite call changed their lives forever. I still believe that despite a darkening culture around us, this nation can turn back to God because America is beginning to receive Her Nazirites in this hour of our nation's history.
The Nazirite Summons to TheCall Las Vegas
Thus, seven years after TheCall DC, we are summoning all those who gathered then to come to Las Vegas on October 20, 2007 for TheCall Las Vegas to renew their consecration before the Lord to turn a nation to God.
For decades, hundreds of thousands of people have been going out to the deserts of Las Vegas, a citadel of ungodliness now known as "Sin City" that has become a worldwide attraction for gambling, sexual immorality, materialism and wickedness.
Elsewhere in Nevada, a gathering called the "Burning Man" is held in the middle of the desert year after year. For a week, tens of thousands act out their fantasies of a world without rule and restraint in an orgy of hedonism and fire.
But two thousand years ago, there was another Burning Man who roamed the deserts of Judea. His name was John the Baptist. History tells us that hundreds of thousands of Jews went out into the wilderness to see this Nazirite Burning Man - the one Jesus called "a bright and blazing torch". He would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous and prepared a whole nation for the coming of Jesus.
God is raising up a Burning Man generation and calling out for thousands of young people to consecrate themselves to the Lord as Nazirites and become the hinge of history for Las Vegas and this nation, turning them back to God.
Over 70,000 people gathered in Nashville on 07.07.07, now we are calling forth 20,000 Nazirites to come to TheCall Las Vegas on October 20, 2007 at the Thomas and Mack Center to fast and pray this city. "Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, gather to us there. Our God will fight for us" (Nehemiah 4:20).
Lou Engle calls for civil war in church, more militancy as Joel’s Army rises
On March 8th 2008, at Mike Bickle of IHOP’s
‘Passion For Jesus Conference’, as broadcast on GOD TV, I watched Lou Engle of ‘The Call’ fame speak.
As he spoke, Lou Engle constantly rocked back and forth, as apparently he almost always does now when preaching, under what
he would claim to be the anointing of the Holy Spirit. His spiritual manifestations are supposed to be a sign that he speaks under the unction of the Holy Spirit and when the jerks, grunts, twiches and miscellaneous experiences and feelings get stronger, they supposedly bear witness to him and the audience that what he says is true and prophetic and the ‘glory’ and ‘anointing’ of the Lord is there testifying to it. Thus manifestations really
do lead many in the church of today instead of the Word of God or the real Spirit of God and not the imposter.
However, it was clearly
not the Holy Spirit that moved Lou Engle and who he prophesied by – because of what Engle said - which was unbiblical heresy, and certainly not spoken under the power and unction of the Holy Spirit, however much he manifested, as the Holy Spirit can only testify to
I was quite surprised with how blatant these Kansas City Prophets and their associated mouthpieces are now getting. For several years they have tried to hide what they truly believe by double speak or outright lies – especially Mike Bickle- and now, at this conference, it seemed it was time to come right out with it and declare what they really think. Or perhaps they forgot they were live on TV, I don’t know. Either which way, nobody murmured at the conference – even at the horrendous bits – and GOD TV kept broadcasting it.
In the session I watched, Lou Engle spoke on the end times and the end times generation. Fair enough you may say, because it
is the end times. Right, I agree on this point, I do think these
really are the Last Days and many alive now are part of the end times generation. But from here Lou Engle and I and every other Bible-loving Christian must part company, as Lou Engle parts company with scripture and starts preaching and prophesying Latter Day Rain heresies – which of course the Kansas City Prophets are fully steeped in.....
However, extreme Latter Rain heretics (and there are various spins on it) believe and falsely prophecy that Jesus Christ appears within the
body of believers – that is within
them. And so they literally become Jesus, a corporate Christ, the Manchild. Rather than the body being
in Him, the body
become Him – the Manifested Sons of God doctrine – which of course is extremely blasphemous. This is more than becoming
like Jesus in His character or works. This is more than having His Holy Spirit dwelling within them. It is them, fallen human beings, literally becoming divine and perfect and gods.
The ‘glory’ they speak of coming to the Bride is this – the perfection of believers who become literally as gods. All under the authority of the new apostles of course, who somehow are more godlike than the other god-men and must be submitted to without question.
“There is a ministry … the ministry of perfection – the Melchizedek Priesthood . . . your children will be moving into the ministries of Perfection . . . coming into that Divine Nature of Jesus Christ . . . they themselves will be that generation that’s raised up to put death itself underneath their feet . . . because the Lord Jesus is worthy to be lifted up by a church that has reached the full maturity of the GOD-MAN!” (Bob Jones).....
.....So now, with that basic background info our of the way let’s look at what Lou Engle actually said at the
Passion for Jesus conference that night.
He refered to the new Elijahs rising up, preparing the way as forerunners. (James Goll linked to Lou Engle on the Call’s board), wrote in
Charisma Magazine that The Call would result in “a new breed of radical, fierce, yet humble intercessors… emerging on the scene”. He points out that “in every generation God raises up forerunners… like John the Baptist…to prepare the way.” The spirit of antichrist does the same thing in the use of his forerunner, the false prophet. What are Goll et al forerunning since they have such antichrist doctrines? Are, indeed, they and their kind the false prophet spoken of on Revelation who testifies to the beast? I think so. Or let’s say, they want to be. Whether or not God lets them do it, is another thing.
Lou Engle said that Elijah was a ‘God man’, (he used those words) and what was written about him was ‘prophetic’ for the end time Elijah Company.
Lou Engle spoke on civil war in the church, and he was talking about it [whether people recognise itot now] literally, not just spiritually or metaphorically. This is the new apostolic takeover, or as Bob Jones prophesied, the civil war with the blues and greys (the people basically who have the new revelation and those in the church who oppose it).
There was a lot of elitism and Nazarite separation and baloney he also mentioned, but I am focussing here on the dangerous militaristic teachings – this man, that so many people call sweet, humble and gentle, calls the apostolic church to ungodly war. Church, for God’s sake wake up and do not tolerate this man or this antichrist movement – or its revivals. God help us all!
According to Lou Engle, the initial vision for The Call was based on a prophetic message delivered by Bob Jones—who prophesied in 1993 that 100,000 people—mostly youth—would meet in Nashville to pray and usher in a new movement of the Holy Spirit. Of couse his own movement rushed to fulfil Bob Jones prophecies, so it was self fulfilling prophecy – just like the manufactured Toronto Blessing and other things were created to make them fit Bob Jones words and Latter Rain agenda.
time for another thread on these guys i guess.
no wonder you despise me 4runner.
seen ya right off.
thanks for the help.
now where was i?
oh ya!
Lou Engle and the boys (Knights of Malta, etc)