Scott? Do you understand that the flag is s'posed to be your "nationality' and your location is s'posed to be where you are living.
They can be different you know?
I abhor nationalism and my location is irrelevant to discussion here. So I just picked 2 at random, I didnt know you could leave them empty.
ISTM we are to love not the world; but we are to be patriots (nationalists if you will) because obeying God's governments is in the will of God according to Romans chapter 13. No matter how bad a government is, we are still to abide by all ordinances of man for conscience sake. We only disobey when a law contradicts the express will of God in the Scriptures. We are to worship only God, and render under Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
I'm sorry if you don't understand that the Apostles left behind successors.
In Rome, Saint Peter left behind Saint Linus.
In Byzantium, Saint Andrew left behind Saint Stachys.
These were the early Church fathers. Later, there were outstanding fathers such as Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Athanasius, Saint John of Damascus, Saint Basil, and so on.
Saint Paul was a father of the church by the Gospel.
Perhaps you should do a complete study of the entire Bible use of the word "father", "fathers", before you object to calling a priest or elder of God "father". It is entirely biblical to call someone a father in the Lord.
It is not biblical to call someone father in the sense of God. Christ said to call no man father in this sense; He didn't say to call no man father absolutely. Of course we can call our own fathers father, and our own mothers mother. There's nothing wrong with that.
God bless you.
In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington
Ok? Can you stop this diversionary nonsense and actually address the deabte at hand?
Are you willing to discuss it by answering the evidence I've posted?
Are you willing to discuss it by answering the evidence I've posted?
No apostle was a cult member. What is a Church Father? I call none Father than He in Heaven.
You are starting to look really silly now S
cott. Address the topic without all the personal diversionary waffle.