My planet is like the cloud city in Revenge Of The Sith, with everyone flying around, as it is big like Earth, with people all over continents. Everyone has personal hovercrafts that go fast and are made so that if there's ever a collission, the super compound of this flying structure makes them crash and bounce, not crash and burn
You can visit anyone in the world on my planet, Flytar, the skies are always a beautiful green color and everyone is always nice and there are no worries at all for anyone and when people don't want to fly to work in a hovercraft tgeyvcan just fly to work, to use el's word, we are all weightless.
And, this song would play on my planet in ALL cities and on every continent, every hour like a gong going off, and, that song would be:
I see skys of GREEN , red roses too....and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.'
Church every day, too, great services in the sky.
Hey, my planet sounds a lot like Heaven