I'm sure you could quote tons of scriptures and use them as evidence, to support your view of the millennium. The problem remains that I don't accept your interpretation as being correct in the first place. So there's no point in citing scriptures to support a view which i have already studied thoroughly and found it to be false.
I'm glad you support the Amill view that everything you said about Satan causing trouble, wars and other problems is all metaphoric language. Because you confirm that Paul was talking about a spiritual battle and the amour is not physical but spiritual. So by admitting that, you agree that Christ is currently reining upon the earth and the Church is unstoppable and victorious and Satan is powerless.
Mankind is totally depraved and wicked, he doesn't need any help from Satan to do his evil works.
At the end of the day, the Church does tolerate those who hold to the false interpretations of the millennium. We can still have fellowship with those who hold to the false interpretations. God won't punish anyone for lacking understanding and discernment of the scriptures which pertain to the rein of Christ during the millennian
I'm glad you support the Amill view that everything you said about Satan causing trouble, wars and other problems is all metaphoric language. Because you confirm that Paul was talking about a spiritual battle and the amour is not physical but spiritual. So by admitting that, you agree that Christ is currently reining upon the earth and the Church is unstoppable and victorious and Satan is powerless.
Mankind is totally depraved and wicked, he doesn't need any help from Satan to do his evil works.
At the end of the day, the Church does tolerate those who hold to the false interpretations of the millennium. We can still have fellowship with those who hold to the false interpretations. God won't punish anyone for lacking understanding and discernment of the scriptures which pertain to the rein of Christ during the millennian
If we all believed the same things, there'd be no reason to discuss scripture.
If any man think that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.
For now we know in part, but then we shall know as even we are known.
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