At its heart are statues to William Farel, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and John Knox.
I think all Evangelicals and Protestants can give credit to the church elders of Geneva, for their contribution of the Christian faith.
We can't forget the first reformer from Germany, Martin Luther.
What I'm hoping for is a mostly positive and informative contributions of Biblical doctrines, by early church leaders in the dark ages.
Who would you say, is the most important Reformer?
Who would you say, got it mostly right in the Biblical sense?
Who would you recommend studying first, if your not familar with most of the early church elders?
How did these elders shape Western Churches and Biblical Studies?
No, I'm not trying to have a heated debate, the intention of this thread is to bring insight of our early church leaders, and how the help shaped Biblical doctrine?
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