Why would you say such a thing about a brother?
I appreciate your concern.
But let me deal with them, as I'm ok to take what they say as I know what I have, and what I have means more to me than anything, and what I have cant be taken, regardless of name calling or I'll words.
Honestly there words of mean heartedness just makes me want to shine.
Please don't worry for me.
I'm only replying to people who I know have some moral standards left in them today and tomorrow.
I've once again read there comments tho this morning and all I see is a self centred behaviour that's not worth my time and effort.m, because no matter which way I will reply they'll find away to distort it
It's a self centred behaviour that's get harder over time. It's also the behaviour from people Jesus had to contend with, that many people if all walks of life have grown hard in.
Jesus addressed the Israelites many times about it. But as there stubbormess grew harder there love grew colder because they believed they where chosen above others.
Jesus told them it was not the way.
Where just wasting our time with these people,
It's plain to see there trying to provoke reaction to have what your saying discredited when you respond to them, as there stuckk in the idea they've been Chosen above other people.
It's simply not the way.
If it was Jesus would of got rid of all the Romans in there land.
When he comes back he will settle all disputes 😊
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