I was hoping someone had a desire to discuss these things? Anyone?
I finally had time to watch his video, from the 25-min mark (per your request), last night. I had a few question, which I'll get to...
(first off, let me say, I am not against people searching the scriptures for these things... I do the same).
Then I logged in here, to find you had written this:
Doesn't it seem more weird that God would choose First Fruits to pour out His Spirit in the upper room? Makes no sense to me.
[who's saying this?]
Shavuot is all about the first of the wheat. And given the description in Leviticus 23:15-21 it is all about presentations and offerings to God: "Wave two loaves...Wave the two lambs....burnt offering....drink offerings...sacrificial goat and two lambs as a sin and fellowship offering.... Sorry, it makes more sense that when Jesus ascended on that day, He ascended to the Father as the First Fruits offering fulfilling all these foreshadowed rituals.
[the video-maker didn't say this... he said (I think) that Jesus ascended on Firstfruit (Jesus' Resurrection Day), and then 50 days later was "G399 - offered up [carried up]" per Lk24:51, not "ascended" (his point being: not 10 days prior to Shavuot); but he also makes the point (with which I mostly agree) that He "ascended" ON FIRSTFRUIT (His Resurrection Day)--I think he was saying this (I just disagree that He also took the Matt27:52-53 saints with Him that day, Lev23:10-14 / 1Cor15:20)]
Traditional Pentecost has absolutely nothing to do with First Fruits if you think about it, on the other hand, Jesus ascending to the Father 100% does.
[ditto what I put above; Maybe could you clarify this sentence of yours? I think I'm misunderstanding you here. My apologies.]
Perhaps I'm mis-reading you, but these ^ don't seem to jive with what the points were that he was making (unless I missed something).
[First... see my
posts #4 (different thread) -
https://christianchat.com/threads/pentecost-2024.215462/post-5316643 ... and
#3, for my understanding of Shavuot (Pentecost)]
Let me start with my few questions about his video (from the 25-min mark onward), and maybe it'll clear up for me (meaning, a few of his points... and now yours in the quote above):
1) almost right away (within the first 10 or so minutes??) I couldn't understand his point when explaining the count to Shavout (something about the 50th falling on random days throughout a week??)... if you find the section I'm talking about, could you maybe help clarify his "thought" on that?;
2) he talks about how "wine" ( = "70") is the Hebrew word "yayin" H3196 (and that the word "secret" also equals "70"), but I find that when I look up the Hebrew word for "new wine," it's a completely different word--H8492 "
tîrôš " (so, unless this also equals "70," it seems his point is not as tight here);
3) biblically, what he is calling "Shavuot" (and traditional Pentecost) always falls on a Sunday (the 50th day FROM Firstfruit [Jesus' Resurrection Day and when the John 20:17 ascension took place (the video-maker seems to agree here)]); not FROM Passover (the 14th, or 15th... whichever);
so that Firstfruit also always falls on a Sunday: "on the morrow after the sabbath" following Passover (that's "Firstfruit"=always on a Sunday), Lev23:10-12;
Shavuot is then counted "50 days" FROM THAT day (so always falls on a Sunday as well) "seven sabbaths shall be complete" and then it says, "Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days" (this should fall on a Sunday, when counted FROM Firstfruit--I'm not sure the video-maker does this);
4) later in the video, he seems to say (correct me if I'm mistaken) that both "Shavuot" and what he is calling the New Wine feast [/Pentecost, according to him] BOTH fall on a FULL MOON (I think he was saying)... but do they / would they?? I'm not seeing it!
Then it seems like he's saying that Shavuot fell on June 21[??], but it didn't... it fell on June 16 (Sun--see my two posts at LINK above), 50 days after "Firstfruit" (not 50 days after "Passover" [day 1 of]);
Then he says that [his idea of] the New Wine feast (he's calling Pentecost) would fall on (in his view) Aug 12/13/14 [around Av 8] (and says that's a full moon too?? but it isn't--the full moon is closer to Aug 19)... So I guess I either misunderstood him, or that his "count" is not as precise as it should be (which is often what I find when I view videos like these);
5) Acts 1:5 says, "not long after these days" (Grk phrasing)... I guess I'm not really seeing how "a COUNT OF FIFTY DAYS" that led up to this day Shavuot (the day He supposedly said this phrase in Acts 1) is supposed to refer to "another [count of] 50 days" (it doesn't seem to jive: "not long AFTER THESE DAYS" [the ones you just "counted"] supposedly EQUALING "another 50-day-count");
6) then there's the issues I see in your latest post not seeming to correspond with the points he actually made in his post (unless I'm either missing his points, or misunderstanding yours... lol)
That's what I've come up with so far, after watching his video.

(I might have had more, but I forget what they are at the moment, and this post is already long enough, lol)