Also if one were to 4bid abortion (example) then society would have to take on more care, support, responisbility, socialnetwork , "safetynet" etc for those in need.
Example if one with family, friends,licence, home, work (everything) and a secure, happy upbringing were to fall pregnant she would have support if not from parents at first from her friends (even if she were young).
If a young woman who did not speak language fluently, moved a lot, been raped, tortured and has no friends noone to trust or turn to help ,excluded from society and doesnt trust anyone as how she been treated and threates etc upon her.
Which of those is likely have abortion........
Maybe there were threates upon torturing her unborn child if she birth it, maybe she had no support and was raped...(many scenarios)
If we are to 4bid abortion then we cant just do so without giving a huuuuuuuuuuge network for those in need.Support, care, understanding (non judgement and downing them but encouraging instead)
I am against christians hating on gays because they love.
i find it better love than hate.
and Im against forcing everyone to be like you are.
A rainbow is but a rainbow with all its colours and variations and .......
Im against the basics of abuse, torture etc....