This is hogwash. There is one law. You can show nothing in scripture that supports this claim. It's simply a desperate, pathetic attempt to justify legalism
I have clearly shown that obeying the law is not legalism if your motive is love.
"There is one law" you said....
If there is one law, are we condemned by it or not?
Does the one law covict or does it show that we have sinned?
Sin is the transgression of THE LAW.
John 3:4.
If the law is not valid and has no power we are not sinners. Rom 7:7.
If we are not sinners we do not need grace and we do not need forgiveness.
If the law includes all laws ( old and new), and is valid and does point out our sins today we have two problems
1. All the Laws including circumstances and blood offerings are very hard to keep today. The list is very cumbersome like going to the temple each year.
Some of these law are impossible to keep.
And if all these laws are valid we have no chance of practicing love. Rom 13:10
2. If the law is valid and points out our sins we are all condemned to death.
We need salvation.
We need forgiveness from each law we transgress.
We need to confess each sin.
We need to repent of each sin.
If all these laws are valid we need to confess lots of sins and repentance means we turn from the evil and sin no more...
If the one law is love we need to understand what love is. Define love.
Paul said love is the keeping of the law quoting some of the 10 commandments.
Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. Jesus quoted many of the 10 commandments.
The 10 commandments are an expression of love.
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