Sometimes, Yehovah gives me messages that I hear in my mind. Such a message I call a "clairaudio," which I derived from the word "clairaudience."
Last night (around the middle of the night), God gave me a clairaudio: "Septimius Severus." Septimius Severus had been a Roman emperor from North Africa. What I noticed about both his first name and last name is that each starts with an "S." S is the 19th letter in the alphabet. So I took the two digits of the first S (1 and 9), and added them together to get the number 10. I also took the two digits of the second S (1 and 9), and added them together to get the number 10. I then dropped the zeros from both 10s, and added the remaining digits (1 and 1) to get the number 2.
In 2 days (October 28th), the Mossad/NATO/CIA/Air Force are going to obliterate Damascus, Syria. One million people will be killed.
Earlier today, I came up with this Gematria entry.
Hours later, God gave me this vision: "4444."