Verse 14: “If some one says he has faith but does not have works, can faith save him?” It’s a rhetorical question; and the answer is “no.” This is his premise and the rest of the verses in this chapter support and prove this premise.
Note: the “works” talked about here are works that “save” , works of salvation. “Can works SAVE him?” These are soul saving works, necessary for salvation.
Verses 15-16 - are used as an EXAMPLE. If someone is hungry and cold, you have not helped him if all you do is say be filled and warmed. That doesn’t accomplish anything. That will not suffice,, that is not enough. Thus, therefore, also, in the same way, (verse 17) just having faith alone, without works, will not accomplish salvation. He puts it this way “Faith by itself, if it does not have works , is dead.” Faith without works does not meet the requirements of salvation.
Verse 18: you cannot “see” faith without works; but you can see my faith by the works that accompany my faith.
Verse 19- now he shows the foolishness of having faith apart from works. “Even the DEVILS believe! Demons are BELIEVERS! If just believing “alone” will save you, then the demons will be saved!! They believe so strongly that they tremble! If you believe all you have to do to be saved is believe, how are you any better than the demons? This is his point. You can’t be saved by “faith alone.”
Verse 20- do you not know “oh, foolish man, that faith without works is dead?”
Verse 21- He uses another example—Abraham—to prove his point. Abraham had faith but was justified by his work of obedience when he offered his son as a sacrifice like God told him. That’s when he was saved—not before, when he only had faith and had not offered that sacrifice. “Abraham was justified (saved) by works when he offered Isaac. ..”
Verse 22- HERE IS THE ANSWER TO THIS DEBATE ABOUT FAITH AND WORKS—“ you see that faith was working TOGETHER with his works and by works his faith was made PERFECT!” The answer is it takes BOTH—faith and works Both are necessary for salvation. It’s not one or the other—it’s BOTH!
Verse 23 says Abraham’s faith was accounted to him for righteousness (BECAUSE it was accompanied by works).
Verse 24-He confirms that a man is saved (justified) by WORKS—not works alone—and NOT BY FAITH ALONE. Or faith only. The works he is talking about are ESSENTIAL FOR SALVATION; and while they are “proof” of salvation their purpose is not for “evidence” but for the saving of the soul.
Verse 25- another example: Rahab. Rehab did not just believe; she was saved ( justified) by her work when she helped the spies. Another example to show how salvation is NOT by faith alone.
Verse 26- the last example of body and spirit. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” This is the message and premise of James 2:14-26. It teaches one thing: The only way to be saved is to have “faith and works together” but faith only will not save anyone.
The “works” that save are the works that God has commanded us to do—like “repentance”. Acts 17:30- it originated with God not man. It is commanded by God. It is a “work of God” John 6:28-29. But if you believe in “faith only” you have eliminated Repentance as being necessary to salvation. You can’t have it both ways! Faith only means only faith and nothing else. It means nothing but faith is necessary to be saved. And you have eliminated “repentance.” Same for “confession”. Romans 10:10 Confession is necessary for salvation but “the doctrine of “faith only “ removes confession as being necessary. Salvation by faith alone makes repentance and confession unnecessary. So you can just forget them because you are already saved by faith alone. The problem is that you are denying what God says and calling Him a liar. Because if we are saved by faith alone then we will NOT be lost if we don’t repent. And if faith alone saves us then we won’t be lost if we don’t confess Christ and God just lied when He said it was for salvation. Romans 10:10.
The only way to harmonize Acts 17:30, Roman’s 10:10 and James 2:14-26 is to reject salvation by faith alone and accept what James 2:22 says— it takes BOTH, faith and works, working together to produce salvation of our souls.
Hebrews 12:15- Be careful lest anyone FALL SHORT of the grace of God.
Note: the “works” talked about here are works that “save” , works of salvation. “Can works SAVE him?” These are soul saving works, necessary for salvation.
Verses 15-16 - are used as an EXAMPLE. If someone is hungry and cold, you have not helped him if all you do is say be filled and warmed. That doesn’t accomplish anything. That will not suffice,, that is not enough. Thus, therefore, also, in the same way, (verse 17) just having faith alone, without works, will not accomplish salvation. He puts it this way “Faith by itself, if it does not have works , is dead.” Faith without works does not meet the requirements of salvation.
Verse 18: you cannot “see” faith without works; but you can see my faith by the works that accompany my faith.
Verse 19- now he shows the foolishness of having faith apart from works. “Even the DEVILS believe! Demons are BELIEVERS! If just believing “alone” will save you, then the demons will be saved!! They believe so strongly that they tremble! If you believe all you have to do to be saved is believe, how are you any better than the demons? This is his point. You can’t be saved by “faith alone.”
Verse 20- do you not know “oh, foolish man, that faith without works is dead?”
Verse 21- He uses another example—Abraham—to prove his point. Abraham had faith but was justified by his work of obedience when he offered his son as a sacrifice like God told him. That’s when he was saved—not before, when he only had faith and had not offered that sacrifice. “Abraham was justified (saved) by works when he offered Isaac. ..”
Verse 22- HERE IS THE ANSWER TO THIS DEBATE ABOUT FAITH AND WORKS—“ you see that faith was working TOGETHER with his works and by works his faith was made PERFECT!” The answer is it takes BOTH—faith and works Both are necessary for salvation. It’s not one or the other—it’s BOTH!
Verse 23 says Abraham’s faith was accounted to him for righteousness (BECAUSE it was accompanied by works).
Verse 24-He confirms that a man is saved (justified) by WORKS—not works alone—and NOT BY FAITH ALONE. Or faith only. The works he is talking about are ESSENTIAL FOR SALVATION; and while they are “proof” of salvation their purpose is not for “evidence” but for the saving of the soul.
Verse 25- another example: Rahab. Rehab did not just believe; she was saved ( justified) by her work when she helped the spies. Another example to show how salvation is NOT by faith alone.
Verse 26- the last example of body and spirit. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” This is the message and premise of James 2:14-26. It teaches one thing: The only way to be saved is to have “faith and works together” but faith only will not save anyone.
The “works” that save are the works that God has commanded us to do—like “repentance”. Acts 17:30- it originated with God not man. It is commanded by God. It is a “work of God” John 6:28-29. But if you believe in “faith only” you have eliminated Repentance as being necessary to salvation. You can’t have it both ways! Faith only means only faith and nothing else. It means nothing but faith is necessary to be saved. And you have eliminated “repentance.” Same for “confession”. Romans 10:10 Confession is necessary for salvation but “the doctrine of “faith only “ removes confession as being necessary. Salvation by faith alone makes repentance and confession unnecessary. So you can just forget them because you are already saved by faith alone. The problem is that you are denying what God says and calling Him a liar. Because if we are saved by faith alone then we will NOT be lost if we don’t repent. And if faith alone saves us then we won’t be lost if we don’t confess Christ and God just lied when He said it was for salvation. Romans 10:10.
The only way to harmonize Acts 17:30, Roman’s 10:10 and James 2:14-26 is to reject salvation by faith alone and accept what James 2:22 says— it takes BOTH, faith and works, working together to produce salvation of our souls.
Hebrews 12:15- Be careful lest anyone FALL SHORT of the grace of God.
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