Bumped up again. I do not think anyone answered.
My question to you is:
Why are you not going out into the world and accurately preaching YOUR form of the gospel.
The one that you supposedly believe and espouse endlessly on this board?
You know:
-pre-birth condemnation for all
-no free will whatsoever for anybody
-salvation is predicated SOLELY upon a cosmic lottery that only God controls
-all marriages to the Bridegroom are shotgun weddings
-all covenants are forged in bad faith and meant to fail
-repentance and a change of heart can NEVER happen legitimately
So when you get off this message board, are you preaching a false gospel out there that you despise?
Are you faking it? And then when you DO draw disciples into the Calvinite web, do you then drop the
Calvinite doctrinal hammer on them after they get hooked?
But what is worse, are you trying to convince others to do the same?