Well, I find it incongruous that you claim to love Paul while ignoring his teaching, at least in this regard, apparently because of the reasons I cited: 1. ignoring Paul's teaching that faith is a non-meritorious acceptance of Christ's work. 2. ignoring and disputing Paul's teaching that A&E and Abraham are examples of sin and faith, respectively. 3. ignoring Paul's teaching that Abraham was saved by faith first and THEN God deemed him to be righteous or spiritually circumcised, 4. ignoring Paul's teaching that the proto-gospel message was NOT foolishness to Abrahan, which is why he chose to believe it, 5. ignoring Paul's teaching that God loves and wants to save all people, which means that He gives every sinner volition, thereby enabling him to seek salvation--or not, 6. ignoring the obvious fact that by denying the last teaching you implicitly blaspheme God, ascribing to Him hatred of humanity, or at least most of it, depending on how many you think He elects.