Discernment, hoping you read this all slowly, to hear from God over me or anyone else please thank you
Hebrews 8:4
For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law
are we a mixed breed, under Law one day and the next under Grace? Hybrids!
Between Flesh nature and God's Spirit of truth is the discernment God Father gives to his kids to see and be content in it, whether it be good or bad whatever one sees. Those, as you are in truth God given you, you have the discernment to see the fake, fools gold. God tells you, inside for you to hear. It is up to you to listen or excuse it as I have done myself, excused it (No more) and got caught up in stuff that got the best of me here on this earth, wanting to be liked by others, was and is not good for me to be of that nature, and you already know, God speaks to each child of God's inside each personally, not just the messages in the Bible. God says, My Sheep know my voice. You know it, see to not go after others that look good and act good as if they got it over what you are given by God to you, which is, life everlasting even if go through more troubles as you already know you have brother. Thoughts are not always are own thoughts, Evil knows how to plant thought(s) it is up to us to listen to (Discern) them or not, trust God for the discernment of thought. see in trust to God to teach you what taking all thought captive is, to the same obedience as Christ! (2 Cor 10)
Emotions, Reality, what we see physically is temporal, Reality, what we do not see is eternal. God is not known today in the flesh as was in the day of his being here then, as Said in 2 Cor 5:16
We as people, want peace, serenity, don't we all want that? When we do not see it, it seems we want it, how deep does that go, to want it and have someone do it, since God is not here in the flesh anymore in his Son for us physically? Now as risen Spiritually in God Father's Spirit for us to be content and not have our emotions lead us. Rather follow truth of God in God's Spirit and Truth that we do not see physically anymore. Yet flesh itself, the evil nature wants to get others under its thumb. What better way, to do healings. To help others see themselves in their own flesh nature and then glory over those people as if they are real and are not, when anyone not getting each to go to God personally. Rather say, if you have anymore troubles come to me, I and God are One. Red flag!
I was told by a pastor once, that I was going to see the Bible as he saw it, I would be one with him. "Run Forest Run" came to mind, and I left that religion, that person I saw was wanting to be the way the truth and the new life for others. No thank you. That is discerning to see if that person or person's want to be the leaders in their flesh natures. Test these out, you will see, be a Solomon, trust Father in risen Son for the wisdom to discern truth over error.
God is the only one good, per Jesus in the flesh. Never claimed anyone to be good in the flesh, first birth. Was/is clear to me it is God's Spirit and Truth to lead each person personally in Love and Mercy to all. Yet God does not do this unless one turns to God Father willing in belief to God through risen Son only, to me at least. Then discerning begins in the child of God that God has accepted in his self through Son's done work for them to be in with them as Won too for you, free of charge ever.
Mixing my first birth of death to all flesh unto the Spirit of God is not good for my Soul.
No flesh nature can ever please God but Son's, and he is the only one, why?
He was born of Woman, not man is why! The Virgin birth in the lineage of King David, separates Son from everyone else. So he came here to do the Law in its entirety first (fulfill it), Did that then after willing death to save us all in his risen life, only those that turn to believe in this, that Son Jesus is risen for them, where the new life in Father's Spirit and Truth begins in each person that sees God as the only one that knows all truth over all error. That is exactly what Jesus as Son demonstrated to us all in his physical walk here, first, doing nothing saying nothing unless Father leads him, in the Holy Spirit today given us, once Father reveals this to you in humility not pride ever. Seeing, those in pride or guilt, these do not know yet. That is what Father desires to teach his kids as you are one of Father's kids period. Accepted forgiven and sealed to see it. As others try to put doubt in people make then guilty or prideful, that is so they can control others and use God insincerely, as many get trapped in that looking for peace and serenity
That had to get done first (His one time willing death), in order for new law to get put in place for you, me and the entire world of flesh people. (Hebrews 7:11-12)
Romans 7:6
But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not
in the oldness of the letter.
Loneliness is no more today how?
Father and Son will never leave us, never forsake us, do you believe that or do you have doubt getting placed in you from others speaking?
Just have a modicum of any doubt and you will not get established in God, which is what I see happening to you from others you are listening to.
Brother stand
You are Accepted, forgiven and sealed by God for you (Eph 1:6.7.13), no matter what! What?, how
Romans 8, nothing can separate us from God's Love for us all, done for all once at that cross this love of God given us everything needed for life and Godliness. That includes sin taken out of the way in Father's view for you, even if sin again it is done for you to let it go for God to take it away as is done for you and all others too in Son's done work only. Since, Jesus himself separated for us Sin and Death in Father's sight (not this world's) on that cross for us to stand in belief to it and not quit, even if in troubles presently or even might happen in future, and even to let go of all past sin, troubles too. in trust to God it is all gone as far as the east is from the west, in son as it is done God has taken it all away so fast. Faster than anyone can blink an eye lid, that is reality, that the flesh nature cannot see truthfully, has doubt that keeps it from ever getting established in truth.
See Col 1:21-23 stand therefore stand, never knowing how, just know someway, somehow Father God in risen Son Jesus will pull you through it all as has to this day so far, has Father not? If anyone doubts, God says, God will not establish you. (Isaiah 7:9) yet through Son has and will, therefore will you continue to stand in belief or will get work to do in your way or else attitudes of flesh nature, that has doubt always there present to continue to beset you?
Galatians 2:14
But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before
them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?
Be you and give God's love to all in not being made what others think you should be, as is going on today in religions all over the world, that God has no part in, yet is claimed God has a part in, and does not.
The true tabernacle is God living in and through us unto all people 1 Cor 13:4-7, which God installs in us to do freely as Jesus did on that cross once for all.
Hebrews 3:4
For every house is builded by some
man; but he that built all things
is God.
Authorized (King James) Version
Hebrews 8:1-4
Now of the things which we have spoken
this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore
it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer. For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law:
No earth building is God's building yet man says yes it is, no it is not, thanks
go to Father and trust Father to reveal whatever it is you need to hear, you will hear it, might not be fast, yet continue, you will hear truth over error of flesh here on earth to this present day