No, it most emphatically is not! I already provided two biblical examples: Saul and Judas. You really don't understand the Parable of the Four Soils either.
The bible teaches that there is such a thing as spurious faith. Genuine, God-given faith is planted and rooted in an elect person's heart. Whereas spurious faith is illegitimate and false and actually deceitful! Look how many "disciples" of Christ followed" him after he fed thousands in John 6! But after they chased after them with their impure, ulterior motives and Jesus lectured them about the state of their heart, most of them walked away! Those with fake, self-generated faith will always fall away! Those mentioned in Mat 7:23 are all false, highly self-deceived, phony believers.
Also, re the Holy Spirit, He was given and taken away under the Old Covenant economy. The Spirit was first taken from Adam because he died spiritually on the day he ate of the fruit. Then God withdrew both his Spirit and love from Saul due to his wickedness. King David even prayed for God to not take his Spirit away from him (Ps 51:11). Likewise, Judas was still under the OC dispensation which didn't formally end until the Cross, so the Spirit was taken from him as well.
The bible teaches that there is such a thing as spurious faith. Genuine, God-given faith is planted and rooted in an elect person's heart. Whereas spurious faith is illegitimate and false and actually deceitful! Look how many "disciples" of Christ followed" him after he fed thousands in John 6! But after they chased after them with their impure, ulterior motives and Jesus lectured them about the state of their heart, most of them walked away! Those with fake, self-generated faith will always fall away! Those mentioned in Mat 7:23 are all false, highly self-deceived, phony believers.
Also, re the Holy Spirit, He was given and taken away under the Old Covenant economy. The Spirit was first taken from Adam because he died spiritually on the day he ate of the fruit. Then God withdrew both his Spirit and love from Saul due to his wickedness. King David even prayed for God to not take his Spirit away from him (Ps 51:11). Likewise, Judas was still under the OC dispensation which didn't formally end until the Cross, so the Spirit was taken from him as well.
John 6:40
For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life,
and I will raise him up on the last day.
Your claiming that someone can believe in Jesus and that is not God's sovereign will?