It's your soul you should be concerned about not the loss of your flesh.
Before you tell me of the Evil in my heart check out Leviticous or Deuteronomy the Lord himself gave Moses the Law and The Law is what Governs the Land!
If we do not then we allow the land to fill with cutthroats and murderers.
Moses himself practiced capital punishment and you tell me I am no Christian.
They are in the chair for committing murder not robbing a bank
If I kill someone premeditated 1st degree I would expect nothing less
I don't claim righteousness nor confidence in it
If you spill the blood of man so shall your blood be spilt
Before you tell me of the Evil in my heart check out Leviticous or Deuteronomy the Lord himself gave Moses the Law and The Law is what Governs the Land!
If we do not then we allow the land to fill with cutthroats and murderers.
Moses himself practiced capital punishment and you tell me I am no Christian.
They are in the chair for committing murder not robbing a bank
If I kill someone premeditated 1st degree I would expect nothing less
I don't claim righteousness nor confidence in it
If you spill the blood of man so shall your blood be spilt
Moses did not practice capital punishment. God destroyed those people for their lust. God will judge all men, not Moses.
Again, no Christian should be in favor of capital punishment. A soul is the life of the person, and it is not God's will that any perish. I would pray that this soul repents before he is to die. And no one can keep him out of the kingdom of God, if he confesses his sins to the one who will INDEED show him mercy. Even as that thief on his cross.
May Jesus bless you.
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