Hello everyone, I won’t be long winded. I recently got baptized and it was an amazing experience. It almost felt once I got out of the water all this noise that clouded my head was gone. I decided to fast this week. It started off good, but started yesterday old demons and thoughts of being worthless, not being needed in this world has started to attack me. I pushed away my friends, because my mind is trying to convince me that no one truly cares for me or wants me around. I’m a verygiving person and love to give to everyone, but when I struggle no one ever wants to help me. And the bad thoughts are telling me to stop giving because everyone just wants to use me. I repeatedly keep going to God in prayer for help and answers, but it feels like he’s too busy to hear me. I know he doesn’t work on our time, but I just hope he isn’t too late. My heart is getting really heavy, but I’m still going to see the fast through and get closer to the Lord. It’s just so hard right now
Hey there movie man! I see that you feel that God is to busy for you. Well it is never true! He is always waiting on us! We have to keep coming to Him with our issues so that through prayer those strong-holds can be broken! We have spent years living our own way and when we come ask Jesus in our heart we have to "clean up" our lives. That were baptism comes in! When we are baptized it is the same as circumcision. This is cutting away that which would bring pleasure. Those old habits and carnal thinking can be cut away. The more you spend time in real prayer, talking to God with an honest heart, He will begin to free you of those sinful habits that you have grown accustomed to! Praise God that He gave us the example of Jesus so we can pattern our lives after Him! I will be praying for you brother!
Romans 5:3-5 (NIV 1984)
3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.