There it goes again...
How many "firstborns" can the God have?
Literally? Only one.
So, Israel can not be His firstborn, and then Jesus be.
Again... The term "firstborn" held a meaning in the ancient culture that does not mean as how you been trying to use it to mean.
It meant to be the heir and (in second command) - head over a household.
How many "firstborns" can the God have?
Literally? Only one.
So, Israel can not be His firstborn, and then Jesus be.
Again... The term "firstborn" held a meaning in the ancient culture that does not mean as how you been trying to use it to mean.
It meant to be the heir and (in second command) - head over a household.
This doesn’t say anything about begotten sons
“that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”
Genesis 6:2 KJV
i haventbeen misusing the term begotten at all I’ve been saying man has always been Gods sons and there aren’t any scriptures saying angels are his sons
there’s alot saying mankind is his sons
You began explaining why begotten matters I was talking about genesis six has nothing to do with begotten
That’s just one wuote from the ot used in Hebrews it says a lot more about angels and men read chapter 1-2 and then notice the constant references back to angels and mankind throughout the book