If you read about HOW people were saved in the New Testament, ( read the book of acts) you will quickly see that “obedience” was always necessary and was evident in every case of salvation after Jesus was no longer here to save people in person. Jesus left a “will” (Hebrews 9:16-17) and in His “will” he specified what a person must do to receive salvation. Just exactly like anyone today who has money, leaves a will, sometimes leaving “conditions” that must be met before one can inherit.
The Bible says that God is NOT partial, nor is He a respecter of persons.( Acts 19:34, Roman’s 2:11, 1Peter 1:17.). That’s why, in the New Tesrament after the death of Jesus , every person was saved the same way. Not different “plans of salvation, not different doctrines, churches, or faiths. Ephesians 4 says “ONE FAITH, one baptism, one church (body).” Even though there are many denominations, all teaching different ways to be saved—“sinner’s prayer”, “faith only”, Holy Spirit baptism, etc. the Bible still only teaches one way for all people. The Bible has not changed. Look for your answers there.
Jesus Himself told Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9, “Go into the city and there it shall be told you what you MUST DO.” There was something he “MUST” do. That’s works and obedience. I might point out, he already believed the moment he saw and talked to Jesus. His faith is evident when he asked Jesus “what would you have me to do, Lord?” Ok, look at what we have—we have something that must be done, commanded by God. It wasn’t something that Saul came up with by himself. It wasn’t Saul’s work—it was a work of God that he “must do;” it came from God and was commanded by God. It was a work ofGod—not man. Not a work Saul can boast about because it is not Saul’s work. John 6:28-29 talks about “works of God.” So Saul “ believed”. On the road to Damascus, then he spent 3 days praying, repenting I’m sure, but that didn’t save him, either. He still hasn’t been TOLD anything and Jesus said he would be TOLD what he MUST DO. Finally, after 3 days, Ananias comes to him and says, “what are you waiting for? Arise and be BAPTIZED and WASH AWAY YOUR SINS.” (Acts 22:16) Up until this moment Saul still has his sins that he needs forgiveness for. He has believed, repented, prayed, but still has his sins. This must be true because the Bible is not wrong and Ananias says he needs to get rid of his sins by being baptized. This, by the way, HARMONIZES with what Peter says in Acts 2:38 where he says baptism is “…for the forgiveness of sins.” It harmonizes with what Jesus said in Mark 16:16- “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” It harmonizes with what Peter teaches in 1 Peter 3:21 that baptism saves us. It harmonizes with what James says in James 2:24- “…not by faith only.”
Now, Saul has been told “what he MUST DO.”
Does he need to OBEY what Ananias tells him to do? Do you really believe God will save him if he doesn’t obey God? I don’t think so. Just like, I don’t believe God woujd have cured Naaman’s leprosy if he had refused to dip 7 times in the river Jordan or if he had tried to dip in a different river. God doesn’t lie; if He says you MUST do something, I believe God means what He says, and we are indeed foolish to believe we can just ignore and disobey God.
Grace is unmerited favor from God. We don’t deserve God’s grace. It is a “gift” from God. A favor from God to us. I’d like to try to illustrate God’s grace and how it works with “works” and “salvation, by using Noah as an example. God decided that He was going to destroy the world with water. Mankind had no idea that God was planning on doing this. But there was one good man, Noah, God decided to do Noah a “favor” and tell him what He was planning to do and to offer him a way to be saved. It was God’s GRACE that offered him a way to be saved. Would Noah have been saved without God’s GRACE? No, of course not. He would have drowned just like everyone else. He needed a plan for how to be saved. So by God’s grace, he was given a chance to be saved. God told him something he had to do. ( work) . He MUST build a boat. To be saved. Does Noah have to OBEY God to be saved? Of course he does. He would not have been saved otherwise. God’s grace provided a plan for salvation and revealed it to Noah. God HAD to reveal it to Noah or else he would not have known what to do. That’s all GRACE! God did His part. Now, Noah had to BELIEVE God and obey God’s commands for salvation to be possible. All three work together, Grace, works (of God) and obedience. What about us? By Grace, God sent His Son into the world to die for us. By God’s grace He revealed his plan for salvation to us. God has done His part. He’s given us a chance to be saved. But God has given instructions, commands for us, that we MUST Do if we want that salvation. God has done His part, but we must do ours. God has made promises to us and He does not lie. So Jesus says, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” There are other scriptures that tell us more that we must do. Like Acts 17:30 -God commands all men to repent. And Romans 10:10- confession is made to salvation. And Acts 2:38 - Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Psalms says we must take the “SUM” of His word. That means we must take it all and add it together. All of God’s words and commands that apply to us are true (Psalms 119:160).
Revelation 22:18-19 warns us not to leave anything out-“don’t take away..”. So it’s important that we obey Him.
The Bible says that God is NOT partial, nor is He a respecter of persons.( Acts 19:34, Roman’s 2:11, 1Peter 1:17.). That’s why, in the New Tesrament after the death of Jesus , every person was saved the same way. Not different “plans of salvation, not different doctrines, churches, or faiths. Ephesians 4 says “ONE FAITH, one baptism, one church (body).” Even though there are many denominations, all teaching different ways to be saved—“sinner’s prayer”, “faith only”, Holy Spirit baptism, etc. the Bible still only teaches one way for all people. The Bible has not changed. Look for your answers there.
Jesus Himself told Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9, “Go into the city and there it shall be told you what you MUST DO.” There was something he “MUST” do. That’s works and obedience. I might point out, he already believed the moment he saw and talked to Jesus. His faith is evident when he asked Jesus “what would you have me to do, Lord?” Ok, look at what we have—we have something that must be done, commanded by God. It wasn’t something that Saul came up with by himself. It wasn’t Saul’s work—it was a work of God that he “must do;” it came from God and was commanded by God. It was a work ofGod—not man. Not a work Saul can boast about because it is not Saul’s work. John 6:28-29 talks about “works of God.” So Saul “ believed”. On the road to Damascus, then he spent 3 days praying, repenting I’m sure, but that didn’t save him, either. He still hasn’t been TOLD anything and Jesus said he would be TOLD what he MUST DO. Finally, after 3 days, Ananias comes to him and says, “what are you waiting for? Arise and be BAPTIZED and WASH AWAY YOUR SINS.” (Acts 22:16) Up until this moment Saul still has his sins that he needs forgiveness for. He has believed, repented, prayed, but still has his sins. This must be true because the Bible is not wrong and Ananias says he needs to get rid of his sins by being baptized. This, by the way, HARMONIZES with what Peter says in Acts 2:38 where he says baptism is “…for the forgiveness of sins.” It harmonizes with what Jesus said in Mark 16:16- “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” It harmonizes with what Peter teaches in 1 Peter 3:21 that baptism saves us. It harmonizes with what James says in James 2:24- “…not by faith only.”
Now, Saul has been told “what he MUST DO.”
Does he need to OBEY what Ananias tells him to do? Do you really believe God will save him if he doesn’t obey God? I don’t think so. Just like, I don’t believe God woujd have cured Naaman’s leprosy if he had refused to dip 7 times in the river Jordan or if he had tried to dip in a different river. God doesn’t lie; if He says you MUST do something, I believe God means what He says, and we are indeed foolish to believe we can just ignore and disobey God.
Grace is unmerited favor from God. We don’t deserve God’s grace. It is a “gift” from God. A favor from God to us. I’d like to try to illustrate God’s grace and how it works with “works” and “salvation, by using Noah as an example. God decided that He was going to destroy the world with water. Mankind had no idea that God was planning on doing this. But there was one good man, Noah, God decided to do Noah a “favor” and tell him what He was planning to do and to offer him a way to be saved. It was God’s GRACE that offered him a way to be saved. Would Noah have been saved without God’s GRACE? No, of course not. He would have drowned just like everyone else. He needed a plan for how to be saved. So by God’s grace, he was given a chance to be saved. God told him something he had to do. ( work) . He MUST build a boat. To be saved. Does Noah have to OBEY God to be saved? Of course he does. He would not have been saved otherwise. God’s grace provided a plan for salvation and revealed it to Noah. God HAD to reveal it to Noah or else he would not have known what to do. That’s all GRACE! God did His part. Now, Noah had to BELIEVE God and obey God’s commands for salvation to be possible. All three work together, Grace, works (of God) and obedience. What about us? By Grace, God sent His Son into the world to die for us. By God’s grace He revealed his plan for salvation to us. God has done His part. He’s given us a chance to be saved. But God has given instructions, commands for us, that we MUST Do if we want that salvation. God has done His part, but we must do ours. God has made promises to us and He does not lie. So Jesus says, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” There are other scriptures that tell us more that we must do. Like Acts 17:30 -God commands all men to repent. And Romans 10:10- confession is made to salvation. And Acts 2:38 - Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Psalms says we must take the “SUM” of His word. That means we must take it all and add it together. All of God’s words and commands that apply to us are true (Psalms 119:160).
Revelation 22:18-19 warns us not to leave anything out-“don’t take away..”. So it’s important that we obey Him.