I like your name, my son is also named Eli. I hope you have a pleasant morning/day/evening/night.
I actually have considered moving to a socialist country, especially in moments of disheartening doubt about the political, social, and economic development of my own country. But I know you are thinking about the economic struggles of socialist countries. And you think that this is a cause of a failure of socialism. But you fail to realise the material conditions of these countries. For example the sanctions placed upon them.
Ask yourself this, if socialism is so bad and dysfunctional, then why does the most powerful country, USA, work so hard to keep them poor and marginalized?
Nice to meet you.
Let me give you a quick background.
I was originally born in Albania, during the cold war which was a communist state-sanctioned atheist state.
All i can tell you in a short sentence about communism is : avoid it.
I understand that you young folks today are a bit confused about communism and other political concepts because i was shocked to hear this on some parts of Albania (northern part) where the 20-year old generation wants communism back. Some of them, not all.
I blame the internet for their confusion.
Now, why can't we have a nation or a world based on the teachings and life of Jesus?
Because we can't feed 9 billion people with a loaf of bread and a fish.
This is why the Kingdom of God is in our hearts first, and it's spiritual, then comes the physical part on the second coming where God is going to take care of resources just like He did in the Garden of Eden.