Amen as ''our God is a consuming fire''
Yes a consuming Holy Fire
Got me to remember
King Nebuchadnezzar, as he said hey to those there
"Didn't we throw three in the fire, I see a fourth dancing and he calls the three out and sees not even a scotch mark."
Holy Fire only burns up dross
Now, I know of many that do not think this actually happened, yet it did.
Nebuchadnezzar saw it, and turned to God for a while, then turned back later to be God himself
He from what I see only believed, because of what he saw he might be able to get. It was a selfish belief, never a true belief. It was as talking out of two sides of our mouths as many to this day still do that
Yet Father continues to be merciful to bring all home, as love overcomes all evil forever as did in risen Son to us for us all