My first reply above to rrcn was unto his Matt. 24:40 verse, and it then becomes obvious when I say verses 4-13 are about the disciples lives, verse 14 is about the gospel being preached unto the whole world, and verses 15-31 being the 70th week, verses 32-25 the Fig Tree parable etc. that this is Matt. 24, but you might have not read that far down yet in this reply.
Matt 24.4-13 is indeed about the Disciples' lives. But why stop there? The verses that follow are, I think, also about the Disciples' lives. They were mandated to preach throughout the world, and they certainly did. I'm not saying that the Gospel Mission was completed with the Apostles. But it's clear that they participated in it.
In fact I would argue that Jesus had the Disciples' lives in mind all the way through to verse 28 where Jesus spoke of the vulutures gathering around the corpse, which I view to represent the Romans gathering around Jerusalem.
Obviously, the Disciples wouldn't see the 2nd Coming, but they did see him coming in judgment in a sense in 70 AD. In OT Prophecy, the Lord is often viewed as "coming in judgment." The Lord doesn't actually, literally "come" in those instances. But his *judgment* is viewed as coming, and with it the stamp of Divine action.
Then Jesus goes on to describe how the early warning signs of the Roman judgment in 70 AD would all take place in the very generation of his Disciples. These consisted of the evil things israel did to deserve judgment, and the signs of impending judgment, including the rumors of wars, earthquakes, etc.
Finally, Jesus warned his Disciples to be prepared for his Kingdom, not so much by trying to anticipate *when* on the calendar it would happen, but rather, ini the event things happen in our lives to test our fidelity. They would escape the Roman judgment if they remained true to Jesus and listened to his warning to flee. And they would avoid eternal judgment if they chose to live by him in an ongoing way, denying themselves of all carnal pursuits.
In other words, in my view, it was all for the Disciples and for anybody else who could learn from what Jesus said to them. In principle the things the Disciples experienced in apostate Israel are things Christians can learn from today living in apostate Christian countries.
That is misleading, I can find any former Church Father who says any wild thing and say the Church Forefathers said this, so I rarely use that line unless 90 percent said or thought something, and that is still not relevant unto the truth of God, which is all that matters right? God gives us knowledge when needed, He told Daniel all these things will be revealed at the very end, when knowledge increases.
Well no--Daniel was given principles that applied in his own time as well as things that would only be fully understood in their own time. But what we're talking about are things that were understood in their own time, as attested to by 90% of the Church Fathers. If they didn't get it, then I suppose God wasted His time telling them these things?
Certainly, some things can be gotten wrong for quite a long time. But the most important things for a particular time are understood in that time. Otherwise, God's Word went unheeded and ended up null and void.
As I said, the 70th Week logically follows directly the 69th Week. It is illogical to believe there is an interveneing period of 2000 years and then still call it a "70 Week Period!" The Church Fathers largely shared that logic.
I neve understood how the 69th week can end with Jesus but the 700th week comes in 70 AD o 63-70 AD which is 30 years later, that defeats you guys arguments that it as to be a continual prophecy.
No, you just look at my view differently than I actually see it. I see the 70 Weeks prophecy as a period leading up to Messiah being cut off. The part where the city and the sanctuary are destroyed *follows* the 70 Weeks period. These things *follow* the death of Christ.
The context of the prophecy in fact is about the ineptitude of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem in bringing Israel to their final destination. Already in view in the 70th Week is the notion that the "people of the ruler to come", ie the Roman Army, will come and lay siege to Jerusalem and destroy the temple following the cutting off of Messiah. And it is termed the "Abomination of Desolation"--an "abomination" because the Romans are abominable pagans, and "desolation" because they will eradicate the Temple worship.
Dan. 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to
build Jerusalem unto the
Messiah the Prince shall be
seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks
483 years in full) the
street shall be built again, and the wall(after 49 years, even in troublous times. 26
And after
threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off (Jesus is killed after 483 yrs), but not for himself: (So, the first part of verse 26 goes with verse 25, Jesus dying and THE WALL are one continual timeline, as shown above, they they are placed together BELOW: the rest of verse 26 goes with verse 27. )
the people(Rome/E.U.) of the prince that shall come(2000 YEARS LATER, the Little Horn/AC) shall
destroy the city and the sanctuary(Romans in 70 AD); and
the end thereof shall be with a flood(Army), and unto the
end of the war desolations are determined(for 2000 years Israel were DESOLATED). 27 And
he(Anti-Christ) shall
confirm the covenant(Agreement) with many...
The Roman Army came in Jesus' generation--just as Jesus said. And all of the "birth pain" signs were present prior to the events of 66-70 AD. The Roman ruler, generically speaking, caused the death of Jesus, via Pilate, invaded Jerusalem via Cestius Gallus, and destroyed the city and the Temple via Titus. These were all "the ruler to come." The Roman king had been predicted in Dan 2 and 7 to come in the series of 4 kingdoms.
The "covenant" the Roman ruler made was a subconscious agreement with God to complete prophecy in Israel, 1st by allowing Jesus to minister for 3.5 years, and then to put Messiah to death, thus completing the covenant of redemption. This is just how I view it, to be consistent with the pronoun "he."
So, by your own logic and timeline you have to admit the 70th week being in 70 AD can not have followed Jesus' death.
Why? I can't understand your protest? It makes perfect sense to me, and it is precisely how the Church Fathers viewed it, who lived close to that time.
Its just not a possibility brother. And see how verse 26 is not a real verse in and of itself? ...all Jews must become Hellenized, leading unto the Maccabean Revolt. So, we know the end time False Prophet will be a Jewish High Priest who betrays his Jewish brothers.
Yes, I believe the Maccabbean history gives us a foretaste of the Antichrist. I think that's why Daniel placed prophecy of Antiochus 4 alongside of prophecy of the Little Horn, the Antichrist.
Well, the Birth Pangs were meant to show why the end was later on, not in 70 AD so those Birth Pangs have to lead unto the very end, as birth pangs lead unto a baby right? The point Jesus was making is this can not be the end because all these things have not happened yet, and how could they? I mean Rome was not going to let any Kingdom rise against another Kingdom lol, they were that dominant.
I never said that 70 AD was "the end!" What makes you think I said that? The 4th Kingdom of Dan 2 and 7 was going to be a history long in time because Jesus indicated it would involve a great dispersion of the Jews in the worst punishment in Israel's history. That means it would exceed the 70 year Babylonian punishment. And it has exceeded that exponentially!
Look at the 6 Requirements of the Prophesy, Israel MUST REPENT before the Prophesy can come to pass.
Who said Israel has to repent, as a nation, 1st, ie before their national restoration? My understanding is that they're so surprised at Jesus' Coming that they will weep spontaneously.
Look at Rome in AD 117 on a map, then look at the European Neighborhood Policy, the E.U. will conquer Israel and THE MANY, every nation on that map, and thus the Fourth Beast is thus reunited in full, just like 2000 years ago.
i see no reason for the ancient version of the Roman Empire to reappear exactly as it had been? Western Rome was extended upwards into Germany. And Eastern Rome was extended upwards into Slavic territories. The territories did not remain the same in history. I doubt they will at the end of history.
Generally, European Civilization is the modern version of the Roman Empire when it comes together politically as a superpower. And in reality, European Civilization can be said to have extended to the Americas as well as to Russia!
I share your great interest in biblical prophecy. Don't let our disagreements stop you from continuing our dialogue now or in the future. We may change or grow and come to better agreement with time? Thanks.