Matthew 16:6 Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
Consider the context of this warning. The Pharisees also with the Sadducees come to the Lord asking for a sign, He says an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign and then gives this warning. I have been a Christian for more than 50 years. During that time I have seen a good number of signs and miracles. Probably twenty if not more. But not once when I was "seeking a sign". These things happened because the Lord was speaking to me, building up my faith, letting me see the spiritual world or simply answering my prayer.
So what does the Lord tell them? First he says the sky is red, if this is in the evening you know the next day will be good weather, if it is in the morning you know that that means today will be bad weather. The sign for everyone is that the sky is red, we have a lot of innocent blood being shed. We have 60 million abortions, we have over a million deaths in Ukraine, we have Gaza that has been obliterated, Lahaina, the Palisades. Just a whole lot of unrighteousness. The question is not what color is the sky, the question is what time is it for you? Does this red sky mean the sun is rising on your kingdom? If so you can expect a whole lot of tribulation. Or does this red sky mean the sun is setting on you? The disciples lost everything when Jesus was killed. If that is the case then this means tomorrow in the kingdom age you will have peace.
He then concludes and tells them the only sign that will be given this wicked and adulterous age is the sign of Jonah. He was crucified, died and buried and spent three days in the grave and then rose from the dead. That is your sign. Because of this the message was then preached for forty days that you need to repent because at the end of that time the city will be overthrown and all you have will be lost. This is the message of the church age. Repent of your sins, receive Jesus Christ as your savior, and do it quickly because everything is about to be destroyed like in the Ukraine, or Gaza or Lahaina or the Palisades.
This is the context. We don't need anymore signs that Jesus' resurrection from the dead and the unrighteousness of this age. Anyone asking for more signs is part of a wicked and adulterous age and does not want to repent and is looking for any excuse not to repent. The leaven of religion is to try and keep supplying more and more signs to this wicked and adulterous age. Beware of that leaven. Stick it to them, the age is filled with unrighteousness. If you are going to continue with this unrighteous age then you too will suffer tribulation like they did in Lahaina, the Ukraine, Gaza and the Palisades. Some of these people were poor, some were rural farmers, some were middle class and some were very wealthy. Everyone will suffer tribulation in this world. You need to repent and repent now. Jesus rose from the dead, what you need more than anything is the resurrection life.