You mean biblical principles like showing hospitality a foreigner in your land or being kind to poor people?.... Oh wait....
I don't think bragging about grabbing women's genitals and mocking handicapped reporters is biblical either
There you go....
No discernment.
You are not to show hospitality to a criminal.
But, some today have their thinking so degenerated that they see criminality as normal.
A nation has the right to limit whom it will accept into its own country.
Historical fact:
Before Rome fell, it was inundated with an influx of illegal aliens......
Rome fell soon afterwards...
So there is a solid historical principle behind why someone must first qualify to immigrate to a nation.
We have gotten too used to it...
The current Democrat party encourages criminal thinking.
They want to do a good thing in an evil way.
And, ignorant criminally minded people love it for that reason...
The USA must want to survive and to maintain national tranquility.
Not to invite unrest, and rebellion....
Satan pioneered and set the role model for rebels.
We all choose sides.
That is why God allows those who will end up in Hell to live on earth.
For they must be given the chance to make their choice their own.