How comforting is that?
I wonder if these people would apply that same line of reasoning with themselves? Or are they the exception to it? I wonder how consistent they would be? If they themselves depart, would they say they were never saved?
your topic is most interesting, and as we all come to the question from our angle and view point, we somewhat ( I digress, & speak as a fool) prove your point ( somewhat unbeknownst to us, even the poster, as well as this comment (myself)
I understand scripture to have two definitions a fleshly understanding & a Spiritual Application (understanding) one can have intellect, and wisdom close to Solomon yet without spiritual education how can we understand.
for instance in The book of Revelation 2:24-28, you have not known the depths of satan... I suggest (his power, his influence over the doctrine we Christians proclaim) ( in our understanding) we assume (may assume) he does not have the Bible Colleges, we assume he does not have the main stream preachers compromised.... even ourselves....yet he was on the attack after Pauls tours, and Paul said ravenous wolfs would enter( yet we think the wolves have dispersed and reside outside the churches ( I digress and somewhat embellish to propose a point)
Dan Rather said, Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly....
I have seen the devil have Christians blasphemy... GOD ALMIGHTY in the middle of a prayer meeting, elders and pastors unaware..... most serious!.... I have heard many a preacher preach about Bible verses they simply do not understand and none the wiser, other pastor or the audience it seemed.
the road is narrow and there be few there that be on it
death to self, LED by GOD's HOLY SPIRIT, no idols before JESUS, JESUS must be in his Rightful Position, KING of all kings, LORD of all lords... the flesh cannot put him there it is impossible... once again death to self....
We Receive GODS HOLY SPIRIT to end the devils rule over us ( our exit from Egypt) ( the world system, lusts of the eyes, desires of the flesh))
I would proclaim many of us do not understand what this truly means and we have turned the Grace of GOD into lasciviousness...
it is by Grace ye are saved and not of works.... in all I understand the accuser tries to take claim of us,, saying bruce serves me, bruce promotes my kingdom, bruce lays his head on my bosom, bruce lays his treasures and my feet... and too often he is right.....
yet who has ears to hear, and who has eyes to see...
fruits of the Spirit, Love (faith works by Love, joy, peace, gentleness, FAITH, kindness, temperance (controls, mortifying the deeds of the flesh) our hearts and minds must be filled with(Led) by.....
Romans 8: 13 them that mortify the deeds of the flesh by GODS's HOLY SPIRIT these are the children of GOD....Ephesian 5 idolaters, ( anything you love more than GOD) these people shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD...idolatry is most serious and I gather most of us can not see it for what it is,
they shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD, do not let people use vain words with you... ( as in other places he tells us, as I have told you before...)
many preachers and Christians use vain words...
but again I digress I cannot read anyones heart, yet I look for the fruit of our words, and I see many an intelligent Christian here... and I believe GOD has shown me there be many a Christian here..... yet my words stand
I might suggest some other verses... although many I would like to introduce..
them that are worthy shall inherit the Kingdom of GOD, another When JESUS returns will he find faith on the I am not worthy and I have often heard people say well the church will be gone.... vain words in my estimation.....
in peace & love... many are called few are Chosen, I do not suggest none of us our Christians, I suggest we are, yet Chosen the race (war) continues..when I suggest the devil has us compromised, sometimes in small ways the keep the flesh strong.... not in your over all walk,, for if you love your neighbour as yourself, you do well,, for the Bible tells me so