What do UFOs mean to you?
Since this is a Christian site, why do most Christians assume these UFOs are niphilim or fallen angels?
Why would the existence of extra-terrestrial life be a problem for you?
To me UFOs seem to be artificial intelligence from another civilization which could be extinct, that’s programmed to observe and never interact.
This explains the sightings and painting in early caves 50,000 years ago up until the newly released pentagon videos.
‘They’re just in Observe mode.
If Aliens do exist this wouldn’t be a problem to me at all and I’d introduce them to our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
‘Maybe they’re looking for God too.
The issue of UFO's and "The little green men from Mars" or "The Greys" or whatever is actually one subject I have a peace about because in the bible I only know of certain created beings and no more.
There are: Angels, Demons, God, Satan, human beings, Animals, Amphibians, fish, birds and so on and so forth.
I believe some of these beings are interdimensional but not extraterrestrial.
To me, what is perceived as Aliens from another planet are simply tricks being perpetrated by evil beings.
An example of the "tricks" they perpetrate;
In Spiritualism, they claim they can conjure up the spirits of our dead relatives.
The bible contradicts this very idea in that it states "To be out of the body is to be present with the Lord.". PERIOD!!!! Your soul does not LINGER around to "haunt" anyone.
However, Evil beings have been around since before the time of Adam and EVE. They know who your relatives are. They saw them during their lives. So they are also aware of details and can use these things to manipulate you.
That is what I call an evil "trick" being perpetrated on humankind.
The whole extra-terrestrial thing to me is just simply yet another bad trick being brought forth by very dark evil forces.
I do not believe in E.T.'s