The flaw in your way of thinking is that you are not taking into consideration the extreme hatred towards Russia existing in some of the European countries.
Russia has been worn out over years now. It would be naive not to think that some of these countries are plotting a plan for the Russian problem. While Trump is like a Texas longhorn bull occupied with his ego, they are quite certain that America won’t be meddling in this situation supporting Russia.
I fear that we will end up war watching.
Look i can tell you that even as a member of the ex-Warsaw pact between nations, Albania is not a fan of Russia.
But our region and Greece are sort of like Switzerland when it comes to Eastern vs Western affairs in the world since we're right smack in the middle.
But nobody is that stupid not only in the Mediterranean regions or even other regions to launch a war between Russia and other EU nations.
The other thing you don't understand is that because wars in Europe have been happening for centuries, the people today still have animosities towards each-other because of past history.
Many shake hands on TV but behind screens they can't stand each other. Even internally between nations there have been cultural divides, such as Italy almost split in half between North and South simply on cultural differences.
But the beurocrats have done a great job trying to mask this and create "EU" as an economical power (mainly against US) while knowing that they can't melt borders and history between each-other.
But despite all this animosity, from past history people still co-exist.
For example Albania is known for having a (mostly) peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians despite some ugly encounters in the past.
Despite all the "hate" that some might carry from the past, they're not stupid enough to launch another global war.
This is a sci-fi scenario that you're thinking and you're way off in your understanding of European history and predictions.