If you are truly willing to fill the role of a Godly husband, then your "investment" in her will be for her entire life. Especially if you are planning to have children. Your obligation to the lady doesn't DECREASE when you say your vows, it will actually INCREASE.
There you go. Somebody finally said it. In all of his self-centered belly-aching, which extends way beyond just this one thread, I have not seen him utter a single word about his obligations as a potential husband and father.
Is he ready and willing to sacrificially lay his life down for his wife as Christ laid down his life for the church?
Is he ready and willing to sanctify his wife by washing her with the water of the word as Christ does with the church?
Is he ready and willing to nourish and cherish his wife as his own flesh as Christ does with the church?
Is he ready and willing to train up his children in the way they should go that when they grow old they will not depart from it?
Is he ready and willing to bring up his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?
From what I have read in his posts, the only thing that he is ready for, and I quote, is a "big-breasted and finest-figured girl", who, according to him, is "the finest and best." No objectifying of women there, right?
Your attitude about women is something I would tell MY daughters to run from like their hair was on fire.
Run from? Buy them high-powered sports cars to flee in, and I will pay for their gas and the fire extinguishers.
I'd say you have some mixed up views about marriage and woman that you need to sort out before attempting any type of romantic relationship.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I take no pleasure in chastising anyone, but you could use a good whooping. I have read enough of your posts on different threads to understand that things have happened to you in the past, and that you are trying to sort those things out now as an adult. I commend you for that, but there simply is no denying that you have a terribly wrong view of women, children, and marriage. With such being the case, you really need to spend some humble and prayerful time before the Lord so that your mind can be renewed in accordance with the word of God in those areas. With your present views of both women and children, there is no way in the world that God would ever send a woman to you. Again, I exact no pleasure whatsoever in saying that, but it simply needs to be said.
Get your eyes off of women and children right now, and prostrate yourself before God while asking him to fashion you into the type of godly man he desires you to be. Again, I am not trying to be insensitive to any other issues that you might need emotional healing from, and I would personally be willing to help you find the same. However, when it comes to women and children, you definitely need some major adjustments in your thinking. God did not create women to be objects of your selfish sexual lusts, and that is what your posts about women reek of. This is why I said in my initial response here that your comments rub me the wrong way.