I am not defending him - not in the slightest - my earlier remarks are not about him - the person - what he has-or-has-not done - or anything else of the sort.
Not to mention - I have not read any of the other thread you referenced. If I read every post he has made in every thread he has posted to - I might actually agree with you concerning his character, etc. - but, that was/is not my focus in this issue.
All you have done is prove my point. You just did to me what you did to him earlier - misunderstood the intent of what was written in the post - and, emotionally react to it.
My remarks were
strictly about how folks misinterpret what others have written - the words, grammar, intent, meaning, etc. - in any particular post that someone writes and submits to a thread.
They had absolutely nothing to do with him as a person, his character, etc. They had everything to do with folks reacting to the posts of others without first making sure they properly understood what was really actually being said in the post they are reacting to.
Calm down - be at peace - I am not against you - I was only pointing out something that I see on here quite often - trying to raise awareness of/to it.
In general - from reading your posts - I would say we agree on much. For what it may be worth, please keep this in mind.
My making reference to one of your posts
does not mean that I was trying to target you in any way. This is something else I see on here a lot - people misinterpreting
the reason why someone quoted something they said. To quote another CC member is
making reference to something they said - nothing more and nothing less - it does
not automatically mean you disagree with them or any other such thing. It does not even necessarily mean that you are directing your comments/remarks at them specifically. Sometimes, it can be 'to the crowd'. This must be determined from the way those comments/remarks are presented.
Folks should not be so quick to be offended simply because another CC member makes reference to something they said.
Again, this was/is not about him - at all. It was/is about "everyone else" - how folks [fail to properly] 'discern' what is actually being said in some particular post.
You may certainly know what
you are talking about - but - I am not so sure you yet understand what
I am talking about.
I am not so sure you are paying enough attention to what others are saying. Please STOP - WAIT - carefully consider what is being said - before you respond.
Please do not - in your own mind - make others say what you want them to say - this is the problem.
Instead, "listen" calmly and objectively without emotion to what others are saying - until you are certain that you are not
assuming anything that they did
not actually say.
I am not against you, brother. Please try to believe that...